Can I sell fruit that WILL grow in my orchard or only fruit that has ALREADY grown?
Din & Daf: Conceptual Analysis of Halakha Through Case Study with Dr. Elana Stein Hain
Bava Batra 140, 141, 142
Bava Batra 142a discusses an expectant father’s decision to transfer ownership over some of...
Published 11/14/24
Bava Batra 139
רואה אני את דברי אדמון?
How do poskim determine whom to follow when faced with a dispute in the sugya? What happens when a sugya's plain reading contradicts a general pesikah principle? This sugya, about a dispute between Admon and Chachamim over inheritance law, offers us a...
Published 11/14/24
Din & Daf: Conceptual Analysis of Halakha Through Case Study with Dr. Elana Stein Hain
Bava Batra 131 132
What can we assess about the intentions of those who are giving, accepting, selling, buying, etc. without them being explicit? In this shiur, we will examine the concept of אומדנא,...
Published 11/06/24