As we roll into Season 5, Andrea welcomes Emma Dunwoody, a renowned Human Design expert. Emma introduces the concept of Human Design, a system that combines various ancient wisdoms to provide an individual’s unique energetic blueprint. They explore the origins, functions, and types within human design, offering insights into how it can transform personal development and professional environments. Through meaningful discussions, Emma shares real-life applications and the potential future of in...
In this episode, Andrea welcomes Susan Plunket, a renowned psychologist and author specializing in dream analysis and transcendent experiences. Together they explore the fascinating spiritual territories of astral travel and the creative power of thought. Drawing from her latest book, "Paranormal...
Published 11/20/24
Please enjoy part 2 of Andrea’s conversation with Gayle Revels. They continue with the concepts of sovereignty, energy healing, setting personal and spiritual boundaries, and communicating with guides. Gayle shares her personal experience about engaging with one's guides and encourages us to...
Published 11/06/24