In the next 3 episodes, while David is in the wilderness, he is going to have 3 tests. The first test is the temptation to avoid suffering. The second test is the temptation to avenge himself. The last test is a temptation, like the first, to avoid suffering. Will he pass all three? Thank you for being a part of the club. Show Notes BlogDavid's Flight from SaulThe Path to Good or EvilThe Old Testament BooksThe New Testament BooksBible TimelineContact Bible Book Club Like, comment, or...
Published 04/01/24
In 1 Samuel 22 and 23, David flees Saul, picking up 400 followers and his family along the way. King Saul searches for a mole and pursues David. Thank you for being a part of the club. Show Notes BlogThe Path to Good or EvilThe Old Testament BooksThe New Testament BooksBible TimelineContact Bible Book Club Like, comment, or message us through Bible Book Club's Instagram Like or comment on Susan's Facebook or Instagram Leave us an Apple review Contact us through our website form Thanks...
Published 03/25/24
 In 1 Samuel 20 and 21, David is on the run from Saul a man who should love him. Saul is his wife’s father, his best friend Jonathan’s father, and his king, the king whom David loyally served and even risked his life for. And as you would expect, David is frustrated. Every military action he has taken has been to serve Israel. Why is Saul doing this? What is he supposed to do? Fight back or dodge spears forever? How is this affecting the army and the people? What must they be thinking? It...
Published 03/18/24
In 1 Samuel 18 and 19, David has been transformed overnight from a pesky inquisitive baby brother to a celebrated hero, honored court member, and soon-to-be royal family member. His resume will continue to grow as we read through the 1st and 2nd Samuel.  But as David’s story builds, a contrasting subplot is being developed. The demise of Saul, the king the people wanted, compared to the rise of David, the king God wanted. Saul, the Bad Shepherd of the people, is contrasted with David the Good...
Published 03/11/24
When we left Saul and David,  Saul was suffering mentally from an evil spirit. David was summoned to soothe Saul’s nerves on the recommendation of a servant who said he played the lyre well and the Lord was with him. It worked; the music was soothing to Saul. Saul liked David and made him an armor bearer. And in 1 Samuel 17, walks Goliath. Thank you for being a part of the club. Show Notes BlogThe Path to Good or EvilThe Old Testament BooksThe New Testament BooksBible TimelineContact Bible...
Published 03/04/24
 In 1 Samuel 16 and 17, the reign of Saul as king of Israel does not end overnight. It was a gradual process; much happened in between, with several lessons for us.  Thank you for being a part of the club. Show Notes BlogThe Path to Good or EvilThe Old Testament BooksThe New Testament BooksBible TimelineContact Bible Book Club Like, comment, or message us through Bible Book Club's Instagram Like or comment on Susan's Facebook or Instagram Leave us an Apple review Contact us through our...
Published 02/26/24
Even though Saul has been told that his descendants will not be king and that God has chosen another man to replace him, that person has not been revealed, and Saul is still the king.  1 Samuel 15 shows the door still open for Saul to redeem himself in some way in whatever days he has left. An opportunity to find favor with the Lord arrives in the form of an order from Samuel to destroy the Amalekites. Can Saul do the right thing?  Thank you for being a part of the club. Show Notes BlogThe...
Published 02/19/24
In 1 Samuel 13 and 14,  the Israelites are hopeful that Saul is the answer to the long-awaited promise made in Genesis. While it looks to them that Saul is the king--often called the "second Adam"--he is not. His fall comes fast. Thank you for being a part of the club. Show Notes BlogThe Old Testament BooksThe New Testament BooksBible TimelineContact Bible Book Club Like, comment, or message us through Bible Book Club's Instagram Like or comment on Susan's Facebook or Instagram Leave us an...
Published 02/12/24
In 1 Samuel 10, 11, and 12, our story has a back-and-forth feel like a game...a chess game. Each team now has a king. Team Israel has a king – Saul. Team God has a king – God and a voice -- Samuel. Let's study the rise of King Saul together. Thank you for being part of the club. BlogBible TimelineContact Bible Book Club Like, comment, or message us through Bible Book Club's Instagram Like or comment on Susan's Facebook or Instagram Leave us an Apple review Contact us through our website...
Published 02/05/24
 In the first seven chapters of 1 Samuel, we learn the story of Samuel himself. In the following six chapters, we learn of the first King of Israel, Saul.  Israel once again is not satisfied by having the one true God as their king. They want a human ruler and so the search begins...and ends with Saul. Thank you for being a part of the club. Show Notes BlogThe Old Testament BooksThe New Testament BooksBible TimelineContact Bible Book Club Like, comment, or message us through Bible Book...
Published 01/29/24
When we open today in 1 Samuel 6,  the Israelites have lost the ark and are suffering without the presence of God. The Philistines have gained the ark but are suffering with the presence of God! Samuel is nowhere to be seen...yet. Thank you for being a part of the club. Show Notes BlogThe Path to Good or EvilThe Old Testament BooksThe New Testament BooksBible TimelineContact Bible Book Club Like, comment, or message us through Bible Book Club's Instagram Like or comment on Susan's Facebook...
Published 01/22/24
Chapters 4 and 5 of the Book of 1 Samuel, are part of what is called the ark narrative because they tell the story of the Philistine's victory over Israel and their possession of the ark of the covenant.  Samuel is absent from these chapters. The focus is on the failure of Eli and his sons as spiritual leaders.  The loss of the Ark of the Covenant was a visible symbol of Israel’s broken covenant with God.   In chapter 7, Samuel is reintroduced to lead Israel to repentance and deliverance from...
Published 01/15/24
In chapters 2 and 3 of the Book of 1 Samuel, the story transitions from Hannah and the birth of her son Samuel who will be the future prophet and priest, to Eli, the current high priest. The story of Eli's wicked family is a sad contrast to Samuel's faithful family. Hophni and Phinehas are not qualified to lead the people. But God has provided one last judge to lead Israel and transition the nation to a king.  Samuel grows into the judge, priest, and prophet God called him to become. Thank...
Published 01/08/24
In chapter 1 of the Book of 1 Samuel, we meet Hannah.  At this point in her life, her husband is not enough to bring her joy. She is overwhelmed by her barrenness and prays to God in her distress. We see God provide Hannah with a blessing in the form of a son, whom she names Samuel. What Samuel becomes to Israel is where our story gets more interesting! Thank you for being a part of the club. Show Notes BlogThe Old Testament BooksThe New Testament BooksBible TimelineFeasts and Festivals...
Published 01/01/24
In this final episode from the Book of Ruth, we will bring Ruth’s story full circle back to Christmas because Ruth's genealogy leads to Christ. For those of you who have listened to all of season 8, the 4 regular episodes and 4 bonus Advent episodes, it is our prayer that the focus of these episodes on hope, love, faith, and joy has given your season memorable meaning. I know I will never celebrate Christmas again without thinking of Naomi, Ruth, and Boaz! Ruth Advent Bonus Episodes:  The...
Published 12/25/23
Welcome to the Ruth Advent series! We hope this amazing story will make Advent come alive for you in a new way.  We recommend you play Ruth Episode 4 first to listen to the chapter and discussion before listening to this Advent Bonus episode. This is the fourth of four bonus episodes from the Book of Ruth that correspond to the birth of Christ a thousand years before his arrival. The Advent focus in this story is joy.  The story of Ruth, more than any other in the Old Testament, has a happy...
Published 12/22/23
In the Book of Ruth chapter 4, we will come to the climactic end of our story. We began the Book of Ruth with a story of famine and death. We will end the book of Ruth with a story of provision and birth. The book of Ruth is, above all else, a story of redemption. God is in the business of redeeming what was lost. Ruth Advent Bonus Episodes:  The Book of Ruth is creatively a Christmas Story because the solution to the Israelite's problem, the need for a king, is announced at the end of the...
Published 12/18/23
Welcome to the Ruth Advent series! We hope that this amazing story will make Advent come alive for you in a new way.  We recommend you play Ruth 3 Episode 3 first to listen to the chapter and discussion before listening to this Advent Bonus episode. This is the third of four bonus episodes from the Book of Ruth that correspond to the birth of Christ a thousand years before his arrival. The Advent focus in this story is faith,  and all the main characters of our story (Naomi, Ruth, and Boaz)...
Published 12/15/23
In chapter 3 of the Book of Ruth, Naomi plays matchmaker with a crazy plan to get Boaz’s attention. Naomi is beginning to see some hope in Ruth’s growing relationship with Boaz. But after months of Ruth gleaning in Boaz’s field nothing has happened. So Naomi comes up with a plan of her own. She instructs Ruth to get dressed up and lay at Boaz’s feet while he is sleeping on the threshing floor. It was a dangerous move for Ruth, but she agreed willingly. And so begins an unique love...
Published 12/11/23
Welcome to the Ruth Advent series! We hope that this amazing story will make Advent come alive for you in a new way.  We recommend you play Ruth 2 Episode 2 first to listen to the chapter and discussion before listening to this Advent Bonus episode. This is the second of four bonus episodes from the Book of Ruth that correspond to the birth of Christ a thousand years before his arrival. The Advent focus in this story is love,  and yes, there is romantic love in the Book of Ruth, but this...
Published 12/08/23
In chapter 2 of the Book of Ruth, Ruth meets Boaz. The chapter is loaded with five scenes–all conversations between the three main characters, Naomi, Ruth, and Boaz.  Naomi and Ruth are settled in Bethlehem, but their situation is not good. They need to provide for themselves, but Naomi seems unable to help. Ruth must take matters into her own hands despite the fact that she is the unwelcome Moabite in the little Israelite town of Bethlehem. Ruth steps out in faith and providentially lands in...
Published 12/04/23
Welcome to the Ruth Advent series! We hope that this amazing story will make Advent come alive for you in a new way.  We recommend you play Ruth 1 Episode 1 first to listen to the chapter and discussion before listening to this Advent Bonus episode. This is the first of four bonus episodes from the Book of Ruth that correspond to the birth of Christ a thousand years before his arrival. The Advent focus in this story is hope, something Naomi desperately needs. The story takes place in that...
Published 12/01/23
The story in Ruth begins with Naomi and her family relocating to Moab from Bethlehem due to a famine in Israel, which is ironic given that Bethlehem means "house of bread." Naomi's husband, Elimelek, meaning "my God is king," reflects a connection to the final verse of Judges, stating that in those days, Israel had no king.  Tragedy befalls Naomi, whose name means sweet, in Moab as her husband and sons die, both having married Moabite women in violation of God's laws for Israel. The...
Published 11/27/23
In Judges 19-21, we witness a series of horrifying events that epitomize the moral decay in Israel during those dark days. The story unfolds as a street-level view of a nation where everyone does as they see fit. The Levite, who had shown a complete lack of compassion for his concubine, takes a gruesome turn. Upon returning home, he cuts her into twelve pieces and sends them throughout Israel, provoking outrage and a call for action. The Israelites' initial shock and motivation to address the...
Published 11/20/23
In Chapters 17-19 of the Book of Judges, we delve into the grim realities of a time when Israel had lost its moral compass. These chapters offer a street-level perspective on the chaotic lives of the people, each person living as they saw fit. We begin with the story of Micah, a man who attempted to manipulate God's favor through a lost Levite. However, the Levite's stay was short-lived, and he eventually departed, leading to further loss and confusion. The tribe of Dan, equally lost, had...
Published 11/13/23