Do you really know your identity in Christ? Until you understand the three parts of your existence, you won’t experience who you are and what you have in Him. This is the key that unlocks the Christian life, and it’s actually the foundation for almost everything the Lord has shown Andrew. In this transformational message, you will discover the power behind seeing yourself as God sees and relates to you in your spirit. You will also discover how to: • Renew your mind • Harness your...
Published 11/02/23
Do you really know your identity in Christ? Until you understand the three parts of your existence, you won’t experience who you are and what you have in Him. This is the key that unlocks the Christian life, and it’s actually the foundation for almost everything the Lord has shown Andrew. In this transformational message, you will discover the power behind seeing yourself as God sees and relates to you in your spirit. You will also discover how to: • Renew your mind • Harness your...
Published 10/27/23
Do you really know your identity in Christ? Until you understand the three parts of your existence, you won’t experience who you are and what you have in Him. This is the key that unlocks the Christian life, and it’s actually the foundation for almost everything the Lord has shown Andrew. In this transformational message, you will discover the power behind seeing yourself as God sees and relates to you in your spirit. You will also discover how to: • Renew your mind • Harness your...
Published 10/18/23
How do you impact the people of the world for Jesus without being caught up in the things of this world? What's the Bible's definition of worldliness" and how do you stay on top of it in your own life? Get the answers and more in this revelatory message by Joseph Prince. Eradicate false fears about becoming "defiled" by the world, and discover how believing you are the Father's beloved brings true holiness and liberates you from worldly lusts. Get a fresh revelation of the Father's lavish...
Published 10/15/23
In a world where we’re bombarded by contradictory opinions and fake news, where can we find real answers to real problems? The church. As Pastor Prince teaches on the early church, you’ll see God’s heart for believers to come together, break bread, and find the peace, hope, and answers we need. We hope these notes will help you understand that: God dispenses His answers and blessings for your life through the church. You and your family come under divine protection and covering when...
Published 10/09/23
What is God's attitude toward you when you've failed? Can you still come to Him without fear to receive His love, forgiveness and help for your struggles? Let Joseph Prince show you from the account of Jesus' restoration of Peter why you can have bold faith today to run to Him even when you've failed. Be strengthened by the Lord's grace and discover how to grow in true spiritual maturity as you develop a strong sense of His love. Open your heart to the incredible magnitude of God's love for...
Published 10/05/23
Did you know that God's not mad at you, but loves you and wants to protect and provide for you today? Be blessed by this encouraging message as Joseph Prince uncovers God's heart for you through the touching story of David and Jonathan. Discover how as David cut a covenant with Jonathan, God cut a covenant with Jesus, for your benefit-to show you His kindness. Learn how wrong believing about God can rob you of seeing His goodness in your life, but how hearing and believing right about the...
Published 09/19/23
Do you really know your identity in Christ? Until you understand the three parts of your existence, you won’t experience who you are and what you have in Him. This is the key that unlocks the Christian life, and it’s actually the foundation for almost everything the Lord has shown Andrew. In this transformational message, you will discover the power behind seeing yourself as God sees and relates to you in your spirit. You will also discover how to: • Renew your mind • Harness your...
Published 08/29/23
Have the faith of God and move the mountains in your life by simply speaking! Get ready to operate in mountain-moving faith as you hear this powerful, revelatory message by Joseph Prince. Discover from Scripture how the spirit of faith works and what stops you from flowing in it. Learn also what faith with works-putting corresponding action to your faith-really means, and how to use the power of your tongue to see God's provision and blessings manifest in your life. Begin to speak out by...
Published 08/25/23
God always sees the best in you! In this revelatory message by Joseph Prince, understand how God's acceptance of you in Christ the Beloved makes you His highly favored child. And this blessed position gives you every reason to expect good things happening to you! Learn also how your righteous standing in Christ remains constant despite your state—your changeable feelings about yourself or the challenges you face. Rejoice, knowing that in every area of weakness or failure, God's good...
Published 08/21/23
If you have ever wondered why so many Christians are living in poverty and hardship when God has already given us everything in Christ, then you need to hear this message. In it, Joseph Prince explains that how you see yourself in relation to God will affect your ability to receive from Him. Listen and realise the importance of having a clear understanding of your identity and position in Christ. And once you know for sure that you are already qualified to enjoy God and His goodness, you will...
Published 08/17/23
How do you call out to God when you don’t have a prayer in you? Let Joseph Prince show you how God doesn’t demand eloquent prayers, and how a heartfelt groan to Him for help is enough to reach His throne and bring His grace onto the scene! See from Scripture how God responds with healing and deliverance to the groans and sighs from His people. You don’t have to remain in sickness and bondage, or simply accept situations of defeat any longer. You can release the sighs and groans in your...
Published 08/12/23
What does the Bible say about believers being involved with unbelievers in practical areas like friendships, marriage and business? Find out the answer in this revelatory message by Joseph Prince. See how Jesus wasn't afraid to associate with sinners, how His grace infected them with His holiness, healing and life, and how, as a new covenant believer, you don't have to be afraid of being contaminated by the world. Understand also what being unequally yoked with unbelievers" really means, and...
Published 02/12/23
Did you know that God's not mad at you, but loves you and wants to protect and provide for you today? Be blessed by this encouraging message as Joseph Prince uncovers God's heart for you through the touching story of David and Jonathan. Discover how as David cut a  covenant with Jonathan, God cut a covenant with Jesus, for your benefit-to show you His kindness. Learn how wrong believing about God can rob you of seeing His goodness in your life, but how hearing and believing right about the...
Published 02/11/23
A theme that anybody who reads the book of Proverbs through will see  come up again and again is the subject of work. It talks positively  about work under the heading of “diligence.” It talks negatively about  work under the heading of “sluggard” or “the sluggardliness.” We live in  a city where there’s probably more pressure on work—fewer boundaries to  it, and less stability in it—than anywhere I know. The book of Proverbs tells us if you want to have a fulfilled human  life, you have to...
Published 03/05/20
25 October 2015 What is it that God wants His children to see and focus on when it comes  to health and wholeness? In this exciting message, JP  examines a foundational healing scripture in the original Hebrew and  unveils divine keys to receiving God’s Word as medicine and life to “all  your flesh.” Learn what brings God’s healing and how to experience His  resurrection life in every cell of your body. Whatever your state of  health today, hear this powerful message and receive a personal...
Published 02/28/20
14 June 2015 Receive a brand new appreciation God’s grace as you discover the  meanings of Hebraic expressions in the Scriptures. In this revelatory  message, JP expounds on key Hebraic phrases in the Bible and  how they bring out the intensity of God’s goodness. See why God called  the promised land “a land flowing with milk and honey” and what it means  to work out your salvation in “fear and trembling.” Find out also the  Jewish roots of the phrase “confessing your sins” and let its...
Published 02/28/20
The Lie: God Forgives You, Little by Little, Each Time You Sin - Andrew Farley
Published 02/18/20
What does God want us to pursue under the new covenant of grace? Join JP as he shows you clearly and scripturally what our Lord’s commandments are under the new covenant. Because the cross has made all the difference, discover how they are not about you doing, but simply believing how much God loves you as demonstrated through the cross of Jesus. Understand how a revelation of His love is key to loving God and your fellow man, and learn from the story of Cain and Abel what “practicing...
Published 02/18/20
As soon you hear the word generosity, you say, “Oh, a series on  money.” No, not necessarily. It is possible to be technically generous  with your money and not at all generous in your spirit or in your heart.  There are plenty of people who are actually quite generous with their  money, generous with their time. They volunteer their time. They help.  They’re charitable, yet they’re not relationally generous at all. There’s a specific form of relational generosity we want to talk  about...
Published 02/18/20
17 February 2015 Live life without the constant, aching sense of loneliness! In two  dynamic, faith-building messages, JP shows you from the  Gospel stories of Nicodemus, the Samaritan woman at the well, and the  healing of the leper how Jesus is the cure for every kind of loneliness,  rejection, and crippling condition. See how our Lord comes down to  where we are and, in His love, heals and restores us to wholeness.  Listen to the heart-anchoring truths about Jesus’ compassion for you and...
Published 02/18/20