Jesus had the potential of doing so much, but He didn't. He could have cured all the lepers, freed the Jews from Roman domination, stopped the hunger and suffering of the poor, but He didn't.
Published 04/01/24
Have you ever noticed that Jesus spoiled every funeral He attended?
Published 03/25/24
With 100's of church types to choose from – Mike explains the three reasons why he deliberately chose to be a member of the Church of Christ.
Published 03/24/24
I have noticed something about our teens lately that is quite encouraging: they are not ashamed of us.
Published 03/18/24
It seems that atheists are in need of publicity.
Published 03/11/24
The story of Esther is used to illustrate how God's providence works in the life of believers.
Published 03/07/24
Today, I would like to talk about the need to give God 100% and why we should not be afraid of doing so.
Published 03/04/24
The book of Ruth teaches us the five basic elements that produce strong, satisfying and long lasting relationships.
Published 02/29/24
The pleasure of most gifts is to unwrap and examine them. In this lesson, I would like to do this with our most precious gift, forgiveness.
Published 02/26/24
This final lesson wraps up Nehemiah's task, highlighting the way God provides for all of His builders, and finishes with a final encouragement contained in a segment called, "the art of finishing."
Published 02/22/24
In I Chronicles 14:12 we read about David's military leaders waging a successful battle against the Philistines and taking some of the spoils including foreign idols. David forced them to destroy these objects because they violated God's commands. In this brief episode we see several qualities to look for in leaders of any place or time.
Published 02/19/24
In this lesson, Mike highlights the differences in the two main approaches used to create "oneness" in the church.
Published 02/18/24
A deeper dive into Nehemiah's story with a focus on his method of inspiring his followers.
Published 02/15/24
In 2007 a book "All the Rules" was published. The authors claimed it could help a woman find a man to marry her.
Published 02/12/24
This lesson continues the description of the building process as well as the 7 things God does to cause the Jewish effort to succeed.
Published 02/08/24
We know that friendship is an important part of life. A good friend brings us joy and good times. We usually turn to our friends for comfort and help when we are in trouble or sad.
Published 02/05/24
This lesson outlines the basic steps of a successful project whether secular or spiritual.
Published 02/01/24
Punctuality is a common problem in churches. In this lesson, Mike looks at the question, why is being on time for worship services a problem?
Published 01/29/24
In this lesson, Mike describes the main leaders who seemed to make the rebuilding process a great work of faith and courage against great odds eventually glorifying God.
Published 01/25/24
In order to have a good name there are two things necessary regardless of what you wear or who you know.
Published 01/22/24
Pagan kings are moved by God to fulfill Jeremiah's prophecy that the Jews in captivity would be free to return home and rebuild Jerusalem and the Temple.
Published 01/18/24
Moses was the greatest Jewish leader, he received the 10 commandments, he interceded for the people time and time again but because of just one sin, Moses was prevented from entering the land that he had led the people towards for 40 years. This ending to his life teaches us several important lessons about how God feels concerning sin.
Published 01/15/24
In this introductory lesson, Mike traces the history of the Jewish people from 1020 BC's United Kingdom to the time of the prophet Malachi in 400 BC.
Published 01/11/24
I believe that gratitude leads to happiness, and ingratitude leads to darkness, pride and ultimately separation from God.
Published 01/08/24
Mike reviews the two versions of Christmas that people celebrate along with three important realities brought to light by one of these.
Published 01/04/24