What has been taken from you? What dream did you have that was taken before it was fulfilled? What opportunity were you living in, then it was gone? What direction were you going, then it was blocked? What good thing did you have going, then everything changed?
I was fired from a job once. Actually, that’s not true. I’ve been fired twice. Two times I’ve been pushed out of a job and forced to end my secure employment. That makes me sound like a bad person, but neither were a case of fault. I remember both days of my job being taken from me. I was hurt. I was scared. I was sad. I was mad. It wasn’t fair.
BUT, I had no idea how what was taken from me was preparing me for a much greater exchange. In both cases I had been holding on to a job that provided security only because I was fearful of life without a paycheck and insurance. No matter how miserable it became, I was still holding on tight. It had to be taken from me to see it was not best for me. Once it was gone, I was in position for a great exchange. I was finally free to follow my passion. I was available to step fully into my purpose. Having my job taken from me was the blunt push I required to accept the exchange. The exchange that brings me to you today!
You may be in the middle of losing that which you’ve been holding to so tightly. And honestly, there’s nothing more you can do. This isn’t going to be saved. There’s no fixing this. This thing that was once so filled with potential and delight is now being taken. But why? Why is it being taken? Why is a loving and mighty God watching this happen and not stepping in to stop it? Could it be because he has an exchange available for you? An exchange of what is no longer best for you, for something so much greater. An exchange of what you’ve been carrying around out of security, for something you didn’t have the courage to go for on your own.
Jesus was given to us as the great exchange. Our sins, our shortcomings, our failures, in exchange for his righteousness. 2 Corinthians 5:21 “God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.”
Colossians 2: 20-22, “Through Jesus God reconciled everything to himself. He made peace with everything in heaven and on earth by means of Christ’s blood on the cross. This includes you who were once far away from God. You were his enemies, separated from him by your evil thoughts and actions. Yet now he has reconciled you to himself through the death of Christ in his physical body. As a result, he has brought you into his own presence, and you are holy and blameless as you stand before him without a single fault.”
Who did it? GOD DID IT.
How did he do it? THROUGH JESUS.
Who did he do it for? YOU!
You did absolutely nothing to earn this exchange. God simply believes you are worthy. He believes you are worthy of his son, so he made the exchange. He took all you couldn’t fix on your own, and he let Jesus fix it once and for all.
That’s freaking fantastic news! Forever and ever you have been covered by what has been done for you. What has been taken from you clears the way for your salvation, and what was given in exchange redeems you fully.
But what about today? Really, what about this day here in your life this side of Heaven? What about the real life events unfolding that steal your peace, spoil your plans, and seemingly ruin your future. Is Jesus just for salvation, or is he for this life you’re living now? Was there an exchange for what is being taken right now?
There are just some people you know are going to succeed. People you can trust to show up, do it, and do it right, without fail. People who can have all the odds stacked against them, and somehow come out of it ahead. These are the people you would bet on.
Now the question is, would you...
Published 11/26/24
God is calling you forward. He’s calling you boldly onward to your destiny. A pursuit of partnership with your Creator for your purpose is ahead, will you go forward? They say fortune favors the bold, therefore those who sit and stew, those who get stuck in their own head, those who delay and...
Published 11/25/24