### LLM* Mistral 7B is here! -> https://mistral.ai/product/
* What's going on with the Open LLM Leaderboard? -> https://huggingface.co/blog/evaluating-mmlu-leaderboard
* How do I use ChatGPT Browse with Bing to search the web? -> https://help.openai.com/en/articles/8077698-how-do-i-use-chatgpt-browse-with-bing-to-search-the-web
* Meta AI assistant uses Microsoft Bing Search results -> https://searchengineland.com/meta-ai-assistant-uses-microsoft-bing-search-results-432565
* The iliad Group is making strategic investments in Artificial Intelligence -> https://s3.fr-par.scw.cloud/iliad-strapi/DP_iliad_AI_260923_Eng_462ff3265c.pdf
### Cloud and DBs
* Announcing DuckDB 0.9.0 -> https://duckdb.org/2023/09/26/announcing-duckdb-090.html
* A Guide To The Snowflake Results Cache -> https://teej.ghost.io/a-guide-to-the-snowflake-results-cache/
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