* Why can't datacenter operators stop thinking about atomic power? -> https://www.theregister.com/2023/09/27/datacenters_nuclear_power
### LLM fever* Evaluate LLMs and RAG a practical example using Langchain and Hugging Face -> https://www.philschmid.de/evaluate-llm
* Introducing the Giskard Bot: Enhancing LLM Testing & Debugging on Hugging Face -> https://huggingface.co/blog/JMJM/giskard-llm-testing-and-debugging-hf
* Introducing Canopy: An easy, free, and flexible RAG framework powered by Pinecone -> https://www.pinecone.io/blog/canopy-rag-framework/
### Tools* Pijul -> https://pijul.org/
* Pijul la théorie -> https://pijul.org/manual/theory.html
### meetup* "Ou va la modern Data Stack ?" le 31 janvier 2024 chez Criteo -> https://www.linkedin.com/company/modern-data-stack-france/
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