A bird's ability to sing has long fascinated and enchanted we people. But how do birds sing, do all birds sing and why do they sing? These are important questions, and maybe we will ever answer some of them.
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Larynx: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LarynxSyrinx: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Syrinx_(bird_anatomy)Songbirds: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SongbirdWhite Bellbird: https://ebird.org/species/whibel2?siteLanguage=en_AUCommon Nightingale: https://ebird.org/species/comnig1Bell Miner: https://ebird.org/species/belmin1?siteLanguage=en_AUSuperb Lyrebird: https://ebird.org/species/suplyr1?siteLanguage=en_AUEurasian Bullfinch: https://ebird.org/species/eurbul?siteLanguage=en_AUEastern Whipbird: https://ebird.org/species/easwhi1?siteLanguage=en_AU