Resolve, Attention, Samadhi
Ryūshin Paul Haller offers a talk on the first day of sesshin during the Winter practice period at Tassajara Zen Center. This talk is about the Fukanzazengi - a famous zen essay describing and encouraging the practice of zazen.
Ryūshin Paul Haller offers a talk inspired by poet laureate Amanda Gordon and the 2021 Inauguration, reflecting on the alchemy available in each moment as we stand in all the causes and conditions and fullness of our being and choosing to infuse our bodhisattva vow.
Published 01/30/21
Ryūshin Paul Haller offers a dharma talk on the Sandokai - a famous zen poem chanted daily throughout the world, and he offers an exploration of "the nourishing factors of our inter-being"
Published 12/12/20