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25:25. Full pic write up here https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid02QyTuhbpJ8xhzNimn4grjitgaJiS1F176WPxzGNKPArTLxuVmYg8NmpUDE3FXFUdWl&id=100072161828536 LEARN MORE FROM YOUR MISTAKES THAN FROM YOUR SUCCESS Podcast coming soon about overcoming fear hypnosis here https://anchor.fm/eric-plott/subscribe This feeling will be all yours. A divine golden nugget gems 💎 ⚡ podcast to feel free and good PURE DIVINE FEAR DESTROYER HYPNOSIS destroys Fear and Locked up Forever #TheKazwëh Podcast here Listen to CONFIDENCE BOOST hypnosis here https://open.spotify.com/episode/2wcYbGOZCmPbBrqZIVTqHW?si=2fRsvSmIQECWSNrfngzEMw Friendly reminder for those going through tough times. You’re awesome. And this too shall pass. Chins up folks! :-) Just one more try will mark the beginning of your success. Love you 🤟 "Thank you same to you I'm doing pretty good but it's been up and downs the most important thing is taking care of the health eating right and exercising and making sure that I'm hanging with the right people and getting into nature daily" Amidst the rustling leaves and whistling breeze, The chirping birds sing with utmost ease. Their melodies of nature, a soothing balm, To calm our nerves, and bring us back to calm. The world can be a daunting place, With fears and stresses that we must face. But just like the birds that soar up high, We too can overcome, and touch the sky. Their confident wings, a symbol of might, Teach us to spread our wings and take flight. To conquer our doubts and find our way, And chase our dreams with each passing day. For in the midst of nature's symphony, We find the courage to set ourselves free. To let go of worries, and embrace the new, And find the strength to see things through. So let the ambient sounds of nature guide, As we spread our wings, and take a stride. With confidence and courage, we shall soar, And overcome all that we feared before. ~E.G.Plott --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/eric-plott/message
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