Today you'll hear all about the right-wing's dishonest, but unfortunately effective propaganda campaign against the estate tax.A preview of the reality check I'll give you, all aspects of which are fully documented:-- Only 1/5 of 1% of Americans will ever pay even a penny of estate tax. In other words, 99.8% of Americans will never pay any estate tax.-- Less than 80 small businesses in the entire
Published 04/16/09
Today, some nefarious right-wing doings. What else is new?First up, a GAO study found that the Department of Labor, when it was run by right-wingers appointed by George W. Bush, often turned a blind eye when employers cheated low-income workers out of their wages. The Department of Labor is supposed to protect workers.Next, there have been more revelations of torture, including from an impeccable
Published 04/02/09
Today we'll conclude our discussion about FDR's Second Bill of Rights, which deals with economic rights. The focus is on how FDR's concept has taken root worldwide, in the almost unanimously endorsed Universal Declaration of Human Rights.As you'll see, this is much to the dismay and horror of right-wingers.You'll also hear a QuickBlast debunking the right-wing's cry that there's a "crisis"
Published 03/19/09
President Obama recently presented some fairly detailed proposals to make changes in the tax code. This is sure to be a major subject of controversy in the months ahead.Here's a road map for you of today's show:First I'll give you some historical background about where we stand, economic justice-wise.Next, the details of Obama's plan. Knowing exactly what's in there is crucial, because it's
Published 03/05/09
This cartoon by my friend, syndicated cartoonist Matt Bors, is a perfect fit for podcast #144.His website is highly recommended.
Published 03/05/09
The right's anti-New Deal offensive is aimed at besmirching Obama's stimulus plan.You know the old saying, the best defense is a good offense? Well, instead of just playing defense and defending the New Deal against Republican attacks, let's go on the offensive. I've got something for you to throw at them that will induce cardiac arrest -- figuratively speaking of course (especially since
Published 02/19/09
It's an open-and-shut case -- no discretion, no wiggle-room, no if's, and's or but's: the Obama administration is legally compelled to investigate the Bush administration, from George W. Bush on down, for the crime of commission of torture.This is the case despite the contrary analysis of that eminent legal scholar, Bill O'Reilly.For the facts and laws upon which I base my conclusion, please
Published 02/05/09
Ok, right-wingers aren't (at least currently) making any claims about the shape of the Earth, or the composition of the moon. But they are ranting and raving about FDR and the New Deal.The right is attacking FDR's New Deal spending. This gives them the perfect opportunity to attack Obama's financial stimulus package.This is their new mantra:The New Deal failed.It's not that right-wingers are
Published 01/22/09
We'll start off the new year with some questions you can use as conversation starters for those special right-wingers in your life.Perhaps you have a regular debating partner at the water cooler. And you want to start off 2009 by rocking them back on their heels.Or maybe there's a right-winger you've been meaning to engage in dialogue, but just haven't had a good ice-breaker for.Old right-winger,
Published 01/08/09
Today is the year in review as heard on Blast The Right. Domestic issues. Foreign policy issues. And, of course, Campaign 2008.With plenty of clips of your favorite right-wingers.Torture, heparin, derivatives, Ayers, Palin...Obama2008 started out pretty lousy, but ended pretty well -- with a heck of a lot of upside potential, don't you think?(PS: Right-wingers, if you want to write in to me, fine
Published 12/26/08
In the first segment, you'll hear about the doctrine of Social Darwinism. It's the pill right-wingers take to allow them to sleep at night. Some audio clips of right-wingers may scare you, so be prepared. Barbara Bush, Bill Cunningham, Neal Boortz and Bill O'Reilly all have some choice words for you.Next, have you heard about the Bishop of the Poor being elected president of an impoverished Latin
Published 12/11/08
Today, you'll hear how to debunk a bald-faced lie the right is propagating about upcoming, critically important labor union legislation, the Employee Free Choice Act. This bill is labor's number one priority in Congress, and the right has declared war on it.Next, I'll give you a short primer on what I call the four pillars, the four ways the right in the Western world economically exploits the
Published 11/29/08
Today, four subjects:Countering right-wing spin on the election resultsA sober reminder on the health care front about what this is all about, beyond the left-right ideological battleHow the Bush administration is trying real hard to cause the most damage on its way outAnd, on a personal note, what Obama's win means to me, and what I think is the best way to persuade him to move in a strong
Published 11/13/08
Today, I'm going to address what seems to be the final big lie directed at Barack Obama -- that he's a socialist who wants to take money from the middle class and give it to the poor. Huh?Among other things, you'll hear how McCain supports the very same "socialist" policies he criticizes Obama for supporting.Also, I'll give you a couple of heads ups about how you can protect your vote, and, join
Published 10/30/08
Today we're going to cover a lot of ground, all geared towards pointing out the error of right-wing ways, in a manner that will convince undecided voters to support Obama.In the first segment you'll hear how under Democratic administrations, the economic pie has always grown faster, and in a more fairly distributed way, than under Republican rule.The last half of the show will be a bit of a
Published 10/16/08
Usually on Blast The Right you hear me condemn right-wing ideology and policies. Not only the theory, but the negative effect of right-wing rule on flesh-and-blood humans.Then the idea is, you use the information to win the water cooler wars, to "blast the right."With just about a month to go before the election, arguing with right-wingers isn't the most productive use of your time now, I don't
Published 10/02/08
Today, you'll hear all about earmarks, one of John McCain's pet issues.Sarah Palin claims to be a reformer, yet she is the Empress of Earmarks, requesting this year more per capita than the governor of any other state.Would it surprise you to learn that McCain seems quite confused about the facts, and that Palin is clearly outright lying?Plenty of clips of these two esteemed elected officials to
Published 09/18/08
Today, you'll hear how to debunk some of the latest right-wing flim-flam about the economy really being in good shape.Sure it is, except for the fact that unemployment, the number of medically uninsured, median wages, poverty -- all are worse than when Bush came into officeAmong those you'll have the dubious pleasure of listening to are Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, Paul Weyrich and Barbara Bush.
Published 09/04/08
Today, you'll hear about rampant lawbreaking by Bush administration officials within the Department of Justice. It's not a pretty picture. And it's the DOJ itself making the charge!You'll be treated to listener emails on Sean Hannity and the '08 campaign. I'll play you a Hannity audio clip that may well rile you up.And, last but not least, you'll learn about a fellow progressive who needs a bit
Published 08/21/08
Today, you'll hear how to debunk the right-wing's biggest lie about the US health care system:Right-wingers claim we have the best health care system in the world.The fact is, it ranks dead last in critical areas compared to other developed nations.You'll also see how the Bush administration has reverted to an immigration policy based on cruelty and vindictiveness. Clips of right-wingers may make
Published 08/07/08
Today you'll hear John McCain become truly incoherent when he tries to address the issue of income and wealth inequality in America. You'll learn why no right-winger can honestly speak to this issue.And, you'll see that developments in the Bushian grab for Iraq's oil are coming fast and furious. More cronyism, shady deals and outright lies. The No Blood for Oil anti-war slogan rings more true
Published 07/24/08
Today, you'll hear a torrent of new evidence that's just come out which further details the Bush administration's torture regime. You'll learn about the self-styled "War Council," Bush's use of Communist Chinese torture techniques, vehement protests by the military's own lawyers, hiding the abuse from the Red Cross, and, recent medical findings of marks of torture on detainee's bodies.In a
Published 07/24/08
Today, you'll hear how the multinational oil companies have taken another step towards stealing Iraq's oil.The very companies Iraq took the oil back from 36 years ago, are now being invited back in, by the US-propped-up Iraqi government.In the second segment, you'll get some great public opinion stats on the hottest issues, guaranteed to demoralize your right-wing friends and acquaintances. The
Published 06/26/08
Today you'll hear how right-wing opposition to universal health care kills cancer patients.Actually, right-wing health care policies kill thousands of Americans every year, according to study after study.Also: I'll give you some great news about economic justice for farm workers.The question to right-wingers here is: shouldn't the people whose back-breaking labor puts the food on your plate, earn
Published 06/12/08
Today you're going to hear an unbelievable, yet-every-fact-is-true scenario. It's about how it came to pass that dozens of meetings were held in the White House to decide the most effective ways to torture War On Terror prisoners. Also, be sure to stay around for my closing comments. You'll learn about Blast The Right transcripts, as well as about some listeners going the activist route. And
Published 05/29/08