“After listening to this podcaster lambaste Christians, I felt the need to bring some enlightenment to the conversation. It's very sad to me that this speaker would choose to attack Christians, but isn't that the vogue thing to do now in present society? Christians' backward, antiquated values such as supporting your family, espousing the virtues of traditional marriage, being financially conservative, actually paying off your bills, instead of taking bankruptcy, knowing how to spell deficits, these things just aren't popular with the LEFT.
I spent some time in the North Africa while serving in the military and this speaker obviously has no clue what world poverty and suffering look like. But guess what I saw? Christian missionaries feeding the poor, digging wells, providing medicine even when their own country provided nothing.
The last thing a leftist should do is flaunt their profound lack of scriptural knowledge to try to guilt someone into giving this corrupt administration more power to steal the taxpayer's money and redistribute it.
Last point. I own a small business serving the public. Guess who makes the most money in my town? Government workers. Some of them are collecting THREE, count them, THREE retirement checks, called triple dipping. You lefties reform the government thieves and then we tea-partiers might show you some respect. NOT!”
THT2010 via Apple Podcasts ·
United States of America ·