Award-winning creator of some of the most popular animated TV series of our time, including Babar, Little Bear, The Adventures of Tintin, Berenstain Bears, Franklin, The Magic School Bus, Beetlejuice, Inspector Gadget, and Arthur to name a few.
Michael Hirsh has written a tell-all book Animation Nation: How We Built A Cartoon Empire, featuring untold stories of the making of some of the most cherished cartoons of all time.
All in all, Michael Hirsh produced and created over 6,000 episodes of children’s TV programming. These programs ran on every children’s network and cable channel around the world -- PBS, Cartoon Network, CBS, FOX, Disney Channel, Nickelodeon, to name just a few. He understood the secret ingredient needed to captivate children with entertaining shows that parents would wholeheartedly endorse and enjoy.
In his book, Animation Nation: How We Built A Cartoon Empire is not just a memoir; it's a celebration of the power of creativity and perseverance. Packed with humor and hard-won wisdom, Hirsh's narrative is a testament to how passion and entrepreneurial zeal can build a global empire from humble beginnings. This book also contains some nuggets that every entrepreneur should learn when it comes to hiring the right people.
#Babar #Little Bear #TheAdventuresofTintin #BerenstainBears #Franklin #The Magic School Bus #Beetlejuice #InspectorGadget #Arthur #donkeykong #animation #animator #cartoon #comics #Disney #FOX #ABC #CBS #NBC #BBC #ITV #newbook #starwars #georgelucas #stevenspielberg
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