“This podcast doesn’t provide anything that others don’t. As a news source they only skim the surface, so if you even make a minimal effort to stay up to date on the sport, all news they discuss you will already have seen. As a critical outlet they are extremely shallow (think: world class player transfer + world class team = success) and even this is buried beneath stupid and low effort jokes. The most enjoyable part of it comes at the beginning, with the alliterations that the host uses in the opening. The worst is the hot takes section, which quickly devolves to spouting nonsensical opinions with indefensible arguments, which is not surprising as the hot takes are ridiculous, far-farfetched, and frivolous (y’know, the definition of a hot take *gasp*)
Basically, this podcast is the unbearable B/R facebook posts in auditive form. If you are 15+ years old, I urge you to pass on this.”
Cuddle_Cakes via Apple Podcasts ·
United States of America ·