172. Why We Suppress Emotions and How Tantra Can Help
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In this episode, Chandresh delves deep into exploring the root cause of emotional suppression. Emotional suppression occurs when we fail to acknowledge or process our emotions as they arise, and actively - consciously or unconsciously - try our best not to feel them by distracting or numbing ourselves. Emotional suppression has a lasting impact on our joy, our ability to enjoy relationships, our career, and our overall life.
Chandresh discusses the signs and symptoms that might be telling you that you are experiencing emotional suppression right now. He talks about the “why” or the origin of emotional suppression and how to heal it from its roots.
At the end of the episode, Chandresh shares the tantric perspective, and insights and solutions on how to break free from the chain of emotional suppression and finally start moving towards a life where you can live your creative best, your spiritual best, and live as an authentic expression of who you truly are - as a storyteller, a seeker, and an artist.
Helpful Links:
CB's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cbmeditates/
Leela's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/leelagurukul/
Leela website: https://www.leelagurukul.com/
CB's Instagram Tantra Mastery Channel: https://ig.me/j/AbaylOGtJF-DMRHc/
CB's Telegram Channel: https://t.me/leelagurukul
Visit cbmeditates.com to send your questions and to know more about Chandresh's work.
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