Digital Divas with Andreas "Splash" Kyriacou & Christina Tryphonos
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This week we leave reality at the door and dive into the world of fiction! Today, we're logging into the mainframe of our imaginations to celebrate the digital divas who've hacked, coded, and innovated their way through some of our favorite stories. 🎮💻👩‍💻 Joining me to decode the stories of these iconic characters are digital storytellers, Andreas and Christina. As directors, they know a thing or two about crafting compelling narratives, and they're here to help me read between the code lines. So, plug in, power up, and let us know if you agree with our list of selected heroines or not. more episodes at
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Στο νέο επεισόδιο, αφηγούμαι στον Κωνσταντίνο Ψυλλίδη την συναρπαστική ιστορία της Microsoft και της Apple, και των ιδρυτών τους, του Μπιλ Γκέιτς και του Στιβ Τζομπς. Μέσα από το φακό της ταινίας του 1999 “Οι Πειρατές της Silicon Valley”, ανατρέχουμε σε εμβληματικές στιγμές και καθοριστικές...
Published 11/27/24
We have some exciting announcements to share about the future of Breaking the 20%! Fresh ideas, and new directions are on the horizon, and we can’t wait to bring you along on this journey. Tune in to this mini-episode to hear all about what’s coming next, how we’re evolving, and what this means...
Published 11/27/24
Published 11/27/24