School is in session! Get your pencils out—it’s time to learn to master your mindset. Life is perfect and a huge classroom full of Gifts & Lessons, but only if one chooses to look at life with Gratitude! YOU matter, and it’s time to create 100% Responsibility for everything you do. A Ph.D. is not necessary to master your mindset and be a helpful, good friend. Those are Lilly McDermott’s core beliefs, and they lay the foundations of her conversations on her radio show, social media pages,...
Published 06/05/23
In this episode, we discuss some tips for surviving and thriving after cancer.  The importance of mindset, nutrition, and lifestyle changes, as well as the role of conventional and alternative therapies in a comprehensive cancer care plan. Stage 3 breast cancer and stage 2 lung cancer are “so so scary.” Fast forward to today, Christine Elliott, owner and operator of Live Free Wellness and Mindset Mastery School, has helped women worldwide reintegrate into their post-treatment busy days and...
Published 05/08/23
How critical is healing emotional trauma and stress for cancer prevention? Honestly, if I were to start over with the 7 Essentials System®, I would put Essential #4 (Heal Your Emotional Wounds) as number one because it's that critical for healing. Emotional trauma and stress are triggers that can initiate the development of cancer in your body. Over and over again, I hear from women in the BCC community that they can pretty much pinpoint the trauma and stress that led to the development of...
Published 04/24/23
How can meditation help if you have been diagnosed with breast cancer?  Countless studies on mediation have shown positive effects on decreasing psychological stress, depression, anxiety, fatigue, and fear of recurrence. Even more, cancer cells have receptor sites for adrenaline. Therefore, you CAN stop fueling cancer by getting into relaxation mode (meditation) daily. It’s free, effective, and can be done at any location at any time! Listen to this short podcast to learn more about the...
Published 04/10/23
Today I am going to dig deep and share my personal story about getting breast cancer—twice—as a breast cancer coach! This episode is 25 minutes of uncovering my soul to understand the shame, disappointment, and fear—and the immense learning, finding of real solutions (that you can use today), and healing joys that my breast cancer journey has taught me.  I couldn’t just keep my countless hours of research and discovery to myself, so I curated the 7 Essentials System® and the Survive &...
Published 03/27/23
First, I want to clarify that hormones do NOT cause cancer! If hormones did cause cancer, every hormonal teen would have breast cancer. We need our hormones for healthy brains, bones, immune systems, and cardiac health—they're an essential part of healthy functioning bodies. However, there are TOXIC “hormones” called Xeno-estrogens or chemical estrogens lurking around your home and the outside world that CAN cause cancer. Tune into this short podcast to uncover where you can find these...
Published 03/14/23
Mastectomy, chemo, and radiation—and then eleven years later: a metastatic cancer diagnosis. Instead of letting her world come crashing down, Karla Mans Giroux decided she will throw the party of the century for her 100th birthday and do whatever it takes to get there.  She became a holistic health coach and curated the Radical Remission 10 Healing Factors. As of 2016, Karla’s scans have reported the four words everyone dreams of hearing: “no evidence of disease.” Join me for an inspiring...
Published 02/27/23
“While I am the healthiest person I know, I was diagnosed with stage 1 breast cancer.” Dr. Ellen Albertson: a psychologist, registered dietitian, and national board-certified health and wellness coach. Upon a lot of honest self-discovery, Dr. Ellen found a few key areas that needed healing and reshifting. In just 30 days, she reached remission and continues the numerous new self-care practices and routines that help her remain cancer free. Dr. Ellen has done the work to help her inside be...
Published 02/13/23
Algae is one of the most alkaline, chlorophyll-rich, high-protein, nutrient-dense foods in the world! Thanks, momma ocean! Catharine’s journey into the fascinating world of algae began in 2008 when her sister was diagnosed with breast cancer and advised by her oncologist that an alkaline diet would improve her healing. She felt called to leave a 25-year corporate career to help her sister heal, and ENERGYbits®—the first company to launch premium algae tablets—was reeled in!  Endorsed by...
Published 01/30/23
“Truly live the f*ck out of life!!” - Bethany Webb: Mindset Coach, Stage IV Cancer Thriver, and Author of My Guru Cancer. As a mindset coach, Bethany approached cancer with an open mind, heart, and sense of humor. The mindset practice that she uses is The Work by Bryon Katie. It has helped free herself (a 33-year-old, organic eating yoga teacher!) from the mental and emotional pain that arises with a cancer diagnosis. Join us on this compelling journey into harnessing the power of your...
Published 01/16/23
Using the Advanced Gerson Therapy to Reverse the Breakdown of Human Health. Cancer is a metabolic disease—a problem at the cellular level. You truly are what you eat.  Glutamine, glucose (sugar), and processed toxic foods feed cancer. But the opposite starves cancer cells. The late Dr. Max Gerson, "The most eminent genius in medical history," has the most storied reputation for reversing advanced cancer and degenerative diseases. 20 pounds of organic veggies and fruit, coffee enemas, and...
Published 01/02/23
It's beyond just treating the symptoms.  Killing the tumor isn’t the answer—truly healing the woman is. That means removing the parts of your life that lead to cancer and covering your life with what is beneficial and brings you joy. This is Dr. Jenn Simmons's philosophy and life mission. After spending 17 years as Philadelphia’s top breast surgeon, an illness she developed led her down the path of studying functional medicine and rethinking everything. What came from her ah-ha moment was...
Published 11/21/22
Learn to break through what's holding you back!  Tom McCarthy trains top people in the world’s biggest companies—Microsoft, Wells Fargo, Salesforce—to harness the power of their minds to create breakthroughs in their health, prosperity, and happiness.  He is a husband, father, author, speaker, entrepreneur, investor—and someone who lost his father at the age of 3 and used to battle chronic mental and physical illnesses. Tom has been through the trenches, researched, learned from experts, and...
Published 11/07/22
Are planting with GMOs the “root” cause of dis-eases? Thanks to Jeffrey Smith’s trailblazing documentaries, books, speeches, and interviews, the majority of Americans are now rejecting GMOs due to health and safety concerns. The food industry is taking action thanks to consumer rejection and health practitioner pressure! On top of leading a global movement, Jeffrey is the founding executive director of the Institute for Responsible Technology and the founder of the Protect Nature Now...
Published 09/26/22
Going from feeling “not enough” to MORE than enough is possible. You have the power to heal your life and experience more abundance. It just takes some work that will be totally worth it!  In today’s show, I’m talking with Victoria Johnson, a teacher and coach trainer for Heal Your Life® Training, based on the work of Louise Hay. For me, she was instrumental in truly healing some of my deep emotional wounds, forgiving my parents, and setting myself free.  Essential #4 is to Heal Your...
Published 09/12/22
My unhealed past trauma was part of what caused my breast cancer, and I know it is the same for many of you. This is why Essential #4 is Heal Your Emotional Wounds and why I’m thrilled to host Dr. Michelle Dawson on the podcast! With a doctorate in Mind-Body Medicine and a certificate in Neuroemotional Technique and Neurolinguistic Programming, Dr. Michelle Dawson is a professor, private practitioner, and advisor of Recall Healing.  Tune in to learn why the word “inconceivable” is...
Published 08/31/22
“Having compassion for yourself is what really brings the body back home.” Dr. Mona Meyer spent 10 years researching cancer before flowing into energy and nervous system work. Cancer is an incredibly complex challenge, and true remission requires full mind, body, and spirit healing. Dr. Meyer is now a certified EFT (tapping) and Eden Energy Medicine Practitioner. Listening to her episode felt like opening a gift of cancer research wrapped together with the inner calm and relaxation it...
Published 08/15/22
Why does X make me feel super sick but not my spouse? Does the BRCA gene mean I will definitely get breast cancer? Today, I am talking to Kashif Khan, CEO, and Founder of The DNA Company, to answer these questions and reveal how to do what’s best for your unique genetic makeup.  You no longer have to rely on generic health advice, supplements, and treatments that are not tailored to your body’s unique DNA. This is my mantra, “Test, test, test—don’t stress and guess” in action! Through...
Published 08/01/22
Medical miracles only contradict what we know of nature at this point in time. Jeffrey Rediger, MD, MDiv, a faculty member at Harvard Medical School, Medical Director at McLean Hospital, and a recipient of a Master’s degree from Princeton Theological Seminary, is here to explain the science behind miracles that heal and prevent diseases.    Tune in to discover what Dr. Rediger means by “much of our physical ready is created in our minds,” legacy trauma and generational healing, and how it...
Published 07/18/22
Trauma healing is not one-size-fits-all. Unhealed trauma can also lead to many diseases and, of course, the diagnosis of breast cancer can be incredibly traumatic for a woman and everyone who loves her. I know—I have been there, too. This week’s honored guest is Dr. Aimie Apigian, the CEO of Trauma Healing Accelerated. She is extraordinarily brilliant and well educated as a Double Board-Certified Medical Physician: Preventive and Addiction Medicine, and she holds two Master’s degrees in...
Published 07/11/22
Holistic pain management, sleep, anxiety, anti-aging, inflammation, and tissue healing are challenges you simply can’t put a Band-Aid on. This is why I interviewed Dr. William Pawluk, MD, MSc. He is considered the foremost authority on the practical use of Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) therapy in North America and focuses on healing the cause of the problem—not the symptoms.  After 25 years of medical practice, academic positions at John Hopkins and the University of Maryland, and...
Published 07/05/22
Therapy, exercise, and mediation—all in one—all done in your home. Aging vibrantly means being intentional with your breath and fascia system: the connective tissue that holds every organ, blood vessel, bone, nerve fiber, and muscle in place. It literally holds YOU together; the better you treat it, the better you will feel. Feeling achy doesn’t have to be standard; feeling loose and fabulous is within your control.  This is why I am thrilled to introduce Deanna Hansen, a Certified Athletic...
Published 06/06/22
Over a career spanning more than three decades, Dr. Patrick Porter has been on the cutting edge of brainwave entrainment technology.  He was co-developer of the first personal light & sound brain training machine, voted “Best New Gadget of the Year” at the 1989 Consumer Electronics Show, and later developed one of the largest and most popular self-help franchises. He’s since become a highly sought-after expert within the neuroscience and personal improvement industries.    Dr. Porter is...
Published 05/23/22
Dr. Thomas Lodi has been practicing medicine for over 34 years. He established one of the first integrative oncology centers in the world in New York in 2002 and although he occasionally sees patients with a variety of medical conditions, Dr. Lodi has narrowed his scope of practice through specific training and extensive experience over the past 20 years to Integrative Oncology (caring for people with cancer). Dr. Lodi is also a certified instructor of physicians in Insulin Potentiation...
Published 05/09/22
Dr. Patrick Flynn, DC is the founder of The Wellness Way Clinics. In his youth, he experienced a series of events that led him to discover immune and neurological issues. This discovery prompted Dr. Flynn to begin his health journey, define his life purpose, and initiate the pursuit of his education.  It ultimately led him to his dynamic career, where he has created a totally different approach to healthcare.  Dr. Flynn is the bestselling author of the book, I Disagree. His wildly popular...
Published 04/25/22