Life is full of ups and downs. Sometime more downs than ups. But as a follower of Jesus we know that the same God that is on the mountain top with us is the same God who will also be with us in the valleys of life. You can find beauty in the darkest and most challenging times of your life. Jesus never promised us a problem free life, but He did promise us a stress free one. “My peace I give you.” Jesus declared. Not just to His disciples that were standing in front of Him but all the ones...
Published 10/11/20
Your Word for the day from Psalms 16:11. You will be excel in what you find joy in, but what do I do when the spiritual things don't bring me joy?
Published 10/02/20
Your word for the day from 2 Timothy 2:15-17. Lets all not get called out by the word. Lets work hard to be a people that accurately handle the word and show ourselves approved.
Published 09/25/20
Your word for the day from Matthew 16:23. If we don't watch it we will become more influential than voice of God in our Lives. Discerning What He wants and what we want can be hard. Here is how to get a  handle on it!
Published 09/18/20
Your word for the day From Exodus 14:14-15.  What is the balance between our work and resting in Him doing the work. Lets talk it out. Also id like to invite you visit a freind of mine's facebook page, https://www.facebook.com/Heavens-Frequency-114072713677853 Were going  to be doing a little colab next week so check it out!!
Published 09/11/20
Your LIVE word for the day from Matthew 14:26 talks about whats in our hearts that causes us to miss a movement of God. Come join us as we go live today for the first time, and Please like and share with a friend
Published 09/04/20
If your struggling to find satisfaction in your life, than this is the word for you from Matthew 13.
Published 08/28/20
Your word for the day from Genesis 25:23. Were all in a fallen world so struggling is apart of it. How we struggle is up to us. #Biblestudy #Bible #Jesus #BibleVerse
Published 08/21/20
Your word for the day from Luke 3:7. Let's not let Godliness be skin deep. Allowing God's power to be made perfect in weakness.
Published 08/14/20
Your word for the day from Genesis 22. What do you do when the church fails you? Let's talk about how to handle a hypocritical church.
Published 08/06/20
Your word for the day from Genesis 8. The story of Lott and his daughters is a story about dealing with sin, fear and perversion. Lets dig Deep
Published 07/30/20
Your word of the day from Matthew 8:34. If we are honest we love, we love our sin, we hate the cost of it.  God is Lord and calling your to sanctification.
Published 07/24/20
Your word for the day From Genesis 18.  This verse speaks of our powerful duty both to intercede for our nation and be the moral highbar of it.
Published 07/14/20
Your word for the day from Jeremiah 29:14. You'll find me when you seek me with all your heart means He wants the beautiful parts and the ugly parts.
Published 07/11/20
Your word for the day from Galations 3:26. The word tells us that God calls us his child, and if we can define ourselves in that it will save us from the insecurty of letting the world define us. Because the same spirit of insecurity that will make us feel bad when we're at our worst will make us boast when we're at our best.
Published 07/09/20
Your word for the day from James 1:5. Need wisdom, Ask because God is eager to give it. In a world where everyone acts like they know the answer, lets remind ourselves that God is the only one that sees clearly
Published 07/03/20
Your word for the day from Genesis 11:6. Not all unity is good, when our thoughts, words and environment unify around the wrong things they become toxic. Let run from these 3 destructive habits. 
Published 06/25/20
Your word for the day from Matthew 11:28. Rest is a powerful weapon in the hands of a mighty warriar. And not all rest is phyisical, knowing why your tired is the key to success
Published 06/23/20
Your word for the day from hebrews 6:18-19, Lets talk about Why bad things happen to good people and how God doesnt promise us a trouble free world, just peace in the storm.
Published 06/18/20
Your Word for the day from 1 Kings 19:9, In a world of noise we need to center ourselves in the still small voice of God.
Published 06/16/20
Your Word for the day from 1 Chronicles 16:29. What do you do when your worship is in a dry spell? Worshiping Jesus from a revelation, and keeping ourselves out of it are keys to walking in powerful worship. 
Published 06/11/20
Your Word for the day from Matthew 27:20,22-24; If your struggling walking in holiness, it starts with a revelation of who He is.
Published 06/09/20
Your Word for the day from Gen 2:7. In the puruit of speaking things that mean something in a world full of noise lets speak the things that breath the life of God into others.
Published 06/04/20
Your word for the day from Psalms 62:10. A challenge to look at the things we put at the center of our world. Because at the end of the day if if worship is absent idolatry is present
Published 06/02/20
Your word for the day from Hebrews 10:30, in light of the outrage surrounding George Floyd its only appropriate to discuss Vengeance...
Published 05/29/20