Martyrs and Mistresses in Restoration London
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Speaker: Paul Sullivan – ENGLISH Edward Coleman was drawn, hanged, and quartered for treason in December 1678, a victim of the public frenzy around the ‘Popish Plot’. The Ransom Center’s Pforzheimer Collection includes hundreds of manuscripts from Coleman and his newsletter office, reporting information and court gossip to Richard Bulstrode, a British diplomat in Brussels. Now available online, the letters form a part of the growing world-wide electronic archive. An examination of one of these letters using paleography practice will reveal how digital archives change the way we read history. Paul Sullivan served as Associate Director of the Liberal Arts Honors Program at UT Austin, where he taught humanities and English from 2006 to 2017. He studies early modern English drama and humanism.
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Paula Marantz Cohen DREXEL UNIVERSITY How can decline in enrollments in the humanities be explained? Nationwide in recent years estimates of the drop in liberal arts majors range from one-fourth to one-third of those in English, history, government, philosophy and other traditional subjects....
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Aaron Pratt HARRY RANSOM CENTER Before the publication of Shakespeare’s First Folio in 1623 and the efforts of subsequent editors and critics, England’s printed playbooks were considered “riff raff,” connected more with the world of London’s popular theaters than with what we might think of as...
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