Twas the Night Before Christmas, and all through Bust or Trust HQ, Our Chief Detectives had to decide, just what they think is true. Was the famous poem written by Clement Clarke Moore, or does this case have a mystery in store? Happy Christmas from Athena, Tiernan and all of us at Bust or Trust. Brought to you by Small Wardour, makers of some of the best podcasts for kids. *** If your chief detectives want to hear more from the investigations, including more compelling evidence and extra...
Published 12/22/23
The Huldufolk, or Hidden Folk have lived in the rocks and mountains of Iceland for thousands of years. Or have they? And how does anyone know if they're hidden all the time? Tiernan and Athena take a look at the renowned protectors of Iceland's natural landscapes and bring you the evidence to decide if you believe in these creatures just like 55% of Iceland do. Or is just 7%? Brought to you by Small Wardour, makers of some of the best podcasts for kids. *** If your chief detectives want...
Published 12/15/23
Xu-Fu, was a famed Chinese explorer from the 2nd Century BC who set out on a voyage to find the elixir of eternal life. The story is known across South East Asia, but did Xu-Fu really finish his voyage in Japan? And more importantly, would immortality be all that great if it meant you had 2000 year old teeth? Athena and Tiernan look at all the evidence so you can decide. Brought to you by Small Wardour, makers of some of the best podcasts for kids. *** If your chief detectives want to...
Published 12/08/23
There have been a lot of strange happenings in the town of Yishun in Singapore. Exploding buses, unexplained watermelons and even giant green caterpillars. Is this all proof that the area suffers a mysterious and ancient curse? Or would anywhere in the world seem cursed if you connected up all the strange things that happen there? And just how exactly does someone grow watermelons without noticing? As always, Tiernan and Athena bring you the evidence then its up to you to decide just who's...
Published 12/01/23
Bodmin Moor is a fascinating place, with a lot of ancient monuments and long and interesting history, but is there more to it’s story? In recent times a legend has built up of a large wild monstrous cat that roams the moor and injures livestock. So, what do you think? Tiernan and Athena are here to give you all the facts you need to decide. Brought to you by Small Wardour, makers of some of the best podcasts for kids. *** If your chief detectives want to hear more from the investigations,...
Published 11/24/23
Would you like to live in a lighthouse? Now answer carefully... What if living in the lighthouse meant you might suddenly disappear with out a trace? In this episode Athena and Tiernan look at the case of the lighthouse keepers who disappeared on the Flannan Isles in the early 1900s. Did the three experienced lighthouse keepers just fall in the sea or was there a more mysterious force at work? Over to you Chief Detecives! Brought to you by Small Wardour, makers of some of the best podcasts...
Published 11/17/23
Many of you may have seen the famous bust (or sculpture) of Nefertiti. For a lot of people she represents the human face of ancient Egypt, but, was she a master of disguise? Tiernan and Athena look at the facts and help you decide if she actually became a Pharaoh or you think, yeah, no. Brains to full power Chief Detectives! Brought to you by Small Wardour, makers of some of the best podcasts for kids. *** If your chief detectives want to hear more from the investigations, including more...
Published 11/10/23
The Green Children of Woolpit is a fascinating tale from England in the 1100's when England was in a very long civil war. Two children with a very strange green skin colour appeared in the village in Suffolk. The green children, who were a brother and sister, spoke in an unknown language that no one could understand and only ate broad beans. Tiernan and Athena are looking at this very mysterious case and presenting you with all the sickly coloured evidence. Then you, our Chief Detectives...
Published 11/03/23
In this spooky Halloween episode we look at the legend of The Flying Dutchman - a legendary ghost ship that is said to be doomed to sail the seven seas forever. Sometimes glowing with a ghostly light, the legends say it can appear without warning to terrify and sometimes curse unsuspecting sailors Tiernan and Athena are looking at the case and presenting you with all the evidence. Then you, our Chief Detectives can examine it all and work out whether the The Flying Dutchman really roams the...
Published 10/27/23
The Chupacabra is a fearsome beast that (yuck alert) sucks the blood from goats and sheep across South America. Looking like a spiny backed reptile...no wait...a hairless dog...no wait...a round headed monster with no...er...bottom. No one is really sure, but that's why Tiernan and Athena are looking at the case of the famous vampire creature and getting all the evidence together. Then you, our Chief Detectives can examine it all and work out whether the Chupacabra exists. Let us know what...
Published 10/20/23
You've heard of the Loch Ness monster, but did you know deep in the River Congo, in Africa, there lurks another dinosaur? Maybe. There are many tales about the Mokele-Mbembe, but is there actually any proof for this large swimming dinosaur? Or has everyone just got very confused about some rhinos? Once again Athena and Tiernan take to the case to gather all the evidence so you, our Chief Detectives can figure out the truth. Just make sure you get in touch to let us know your thoughts....
Published 10/13/23
In 1947, a mysterious object was seen in the sky over Roswell, USA, before crashing down onto a ranch. For many, many years some people have believed it was a UFO. The US army and government denied it, but could it be they were covering up the truth about little green people visiting Earth? Or is just that weather balloons are quite boring and not worth making a fuss about. Tiernan and Athena look at this famous mystery this week, getting all the evidence together so our Chief Detectives can...
Published 10/06/23
Clap your hands if you believe in fairies! Fairy tales are the best and everyone loves the idea of happy little winged creatures who grant wishes. But some people claim to have actually seen them in real life in different places all over the world. And there's even photoes and a teeny, tiny shoe too that could only have come from a small magical person, couldn't it? In this week's episode Athena and Tiernan gather all the evidence and so the chief detectives can work out if fairies are real...
Published 09/29/23
The Mothman is a famous urban myth in West Virginia, USA. Is there a strange larged winged creature who screeches at people and predicts tragic events? Or is it just an angry heron playing pranks? Tiernan and Athena look into the legendary monster and get all the evidence together to help you Chief Detectives work out if it exists or not. And whether its safe to wear a woolly jumper without it getting nibbled by a big moth person. Let us know what you think! Brought to you by Small Wardour,...
Published 09/22/23
The thirteen perfectly carved crystal skulls have made many ask questions about where they came from and what they do. But are they ancient Mayan relics or just fun ornaments made in a factory? And if all thirteen are ever brought together, will the owner gain great power? This week Athena and Tiernan pull all the evidence together to give the Chief Detectives the power to work out what they think. Make sure you let us know your thoughts on this case that's not as clear cut as those Crystal...
Published 09/15/23
Built in the 16th century for King Henry VIII, Hampton Court Palace became one of the King’s most favourite homes.  Today, it’s mostly known as a very popular tourist attraction, but it is also known as one of the most haunted places in England, with at least 5 ghosts said to roam its grounds and rooms. In the this episode Tiernan and Athena examine all the evidence for the hauntings - including one example that even Athena might struggle to debunk. Tell us what you think Chief Detectives! ...
Published 09/08/23
Perhaps dating from the 16th century or even earlier, the Voynich Manuscript is a book of mysterious words and drawings that contains information in code that no one has ever been able to understand. Is it a hoax from the middle ages or a source of amazing knowledge yet to be unlocked? Listen to the evidence from Tiernan and Athena and make up your mind Chief Detectives! Brought to you by Small Wardour, makers of some of the best podcasts for kids. *** If your chief detectives want to...
Published 09/01/23
Humans have wondered for years if there is life on other planets, especially on our neighbour Mars. There have been lots of books, movies and even radio shows about Martians and little green people. Could it actually be possible that there's life on Mars? Get ready to blast off with some exciting evidence from Athena and Tiernan: we need you, our Chief Detectives, to shine a light on the case. Brought to you by Small Wardour, makers of some of the best podcasts for kids. *** If your chief...
Published 08/25/23
Rasputin was the infamous adviser to the last Emperor and Empress of Russia, who claimed to have supernatural healing abilities - supposedly healing their very sick son. Rasputin had a lot of influence, and not everyone in the Russian court was happy with his ideas. He has been remembered as both a hero and a villain. Athena and Tiernan have uncovered the evidence, what do you think Chief Detectives? Brought to you by Small Wardour, makers of some of the best podcasts for kids. *** If...
Published 08/18/23
Baba Vanga was a Bulgarian mystic who claimed to have all sorts of powers including seeing the future, speaking to spirits and healing people with herbs. She had many followers, including members of the Bulgarian government of the time. But could she really do all those things, or was it just a lot of rumour and hearsay? Athena and Tiernan have gathered all the evidence for you, our Chief Detectives, what do you think? Brought to you by Small Wardour, makers of some of the best podcasts for...
Published 08/11/23
Many people who have been in extreme situations, like mountain climbers and polar explorers, have reported feeling the comforting presence of an extra person when going through something very tough. Some have even claimed this presence saved their lives. There have been so many cases that it's been called The Third Person Factor. Athena and Tiernan have got all the evidence together, so it's for you Chief Detectives to decide: is there really a guiding spirit out there, or is it all a trick...
Published 08/04/23
Amelia Earhart was an amazing pilot who smashed all sorts of records to become one of the most respected aviation experts in history. But on her flight round round the world she suddenly vanished and was never heard from again. Many people assumed she had an accident over the Pacific Ocean, but is it possible she actually landed on one of the many islands there? Athena and Tiernan will bring you the most compelling evidence and then it's up to you, out Chief Detectives, to decide. *** If...
Published 07/28/23
King Arthur was the legendary King of Britain in the early 5th Century. He was famous for his knights of the round table, Camelot and his Sorceress sister Morgan Le Fey. But what if there is some truth to the myth? Could King Arthur have actually existed? Tiernan and Athena will present the evidence, and it's your quest, our Chief Detectives, to solve the mystery. *** If your chief detectives want to hear more from the investigations, including more compelling evidence and extra fun facts,...
Published 07/21/23
For years Norwegian sailors have spoken of monstrous beasts on the high seas that could drag whole ships down to the murky depths, never to be seen again. Some said The Kraken were up to miles in length and the idea struck fear into many a seagoing adventurer. So Chief Detectives, is The Kraken a real enormous beast waiting to devour all on the seas? Or just a misunderstood creature? Listen to Tiernan and Athena present the facts and make up your mind. *** If your chief detectives want to...
Published 07/14/23
The Yeti, or abominable snowmen, are ape-like creatures who are said to roam the mountains of the himalayas. Many people claim to have seen them, but like big foot, no solid proof has been found - until now? Athena and Tiernan will present the best evidence for you, our Chief Detectives, then it's up to you decide - is there really a snowy mountain monster? Or is just a lot of funny footprints.  *** If your chief detectives want to hear more from the investigations, including more...
Published 07/08/23