If you're an adult child of divorce, do you come to the table with less resources than those who grew up in an intact family? If you are an adult child of divorce or you are married to someone whose parents got divorced while she/he was a child, this episode is a must listen!
Published 10/19/15
Have you been advised to separate or divorce? When all of your friends and circles around you seem to be separating and divorcing, here's what you need to know.
Published 10/19/15
What if your spouse refuses to work on your marriage with you? What if you want him/her to go to counseling with you and they won't? Can you improve your marriage even if your spouse doesn't want to? Find out what you can do on your own, if anything, to make your relationship better.
Published 08/03/15
You picked your spouse for a reason, out of everyone else. You wanted this relationship to work and it hasn’t been. It’s time to pick up the pieces and make your dream a reality.
Published 07/23/15
Why it's not always necessary to end your marriage due to a case of infidelity.
Published 07/23/15