Ep. 96 - Canola Digest Science 2023 Highlights - December 6, 2023
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Host Jay Whetter shares a few highlights from the Canola Digest Science Edition for 2023. Read the whole magazine at canoladigest.ca. Look for "Science Edition 2023" in the Issues column on the left.
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Nested association mapping is a tool to identify, with reasonable accuracy, the segments of DNA associated with complex traits – like nutrient use efficiency and drought tolerance. Sally Vail, research scientist and canola breeder with Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada in Saskatoon, describes the...
Published 12/13/23
Published 12/13/23
What causes yield variability within a field, and which factors are most significant? Taras Lychuk, research scientist in precision agriculture and crop systems at Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada in Brandon, Manitoba, and Alan Moulin, retired soil scientist, share research (ongoing and...
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