Las compensaciones son utilizadas por organizaciones e individuos de todo el mundo tanto en programas de cumplimiento como en mercados voluntarios para cumplir con los objetivos de reducción de emisiones. Sintonice este episodio de Carbon Connection para obtener más información sobre las numerosas razones por las que las organizaciones eligen incluir compensaciones en sus planes ambientales y de sostenibilidad. Este episodio está presentado por Judy Gallegos, Administrador de la Reserva.
Published 08/09/23
On international, national, and local levels, social safeguards of carbon offset projects have become a focal point of discussion as they ensure that the environment, livelihood, and equity of local communities are not harmed. Join Business Development Manager Lauren Napuck to learn how the Climate Action Reserve prioritizes and requires social safeguards and regulatory compliance in our projects and the resulting benefits and protections provided to communities.
Published 08/09/23
A nivel internacional, nacional y local, las salvaguardas sociales de los proyectos de compensación de carbono se han convertido en un punto focal de discusión, ya que aseguran que el medio ambiente, los medios de vida y la equidad de las comunidades locales no se vean perjudicados. Únete a este episodio para aprender cómo la Reserva de Acción Climática prioriza y requiere salvaguardas sociales y cumplimiento normativo en nuestros proyectos, así como los beneficios y protecciones resultantes...
Published 08/09/23
If you are new to carbon markets, you’ve come to the right place! Join this episode with Business Development Manager Lauren Napuck as she introduces carbon markets, including an outline of what they are, the difference between voluntary and compliance, and ways in which you can get involved.
Published 08/09/23
Si no conoce los mercados de carbono, ha venido al lugar adecuado. Participe en este episodio con Celeste Melendez, Analista Asociada, que le presentará los mercados de carbono y le explicará en qué consisten, la diferencia entre voluntariado y cumplimiento, y cómo puede participar en ellos.
Published 08/09/23
As CO2 and other greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions remain in the atmosphere for long periods of time, offsetting reductions in GHG emissions must effectively be permanent. In this episode, Business Development Manager Lauren Napuck will define permanence for offsets, review how it is measured, and share how the Reserve ensures the permanence of our carbon projects through several key mechanisms.
Published 08/09/23
Dado que el CO2 y otras emisiones de GEI permanecen en la atmósfera durante largos periodos de tiempo, la compensación de las reducciones de emisiones de GEI debe ser efectivamente permanente. En este episodio, definiremos la permanencia de las compensaciones, revisaremos cómo se mide y compartiremos cómo la Reserva garantiza la permanencia de nuestros proyectos de carbono a través de varios mecanismos clave. Este episodio está presentado por Miguel López Delgado, Gerente de Equipo Analítico...
Published 08/09/23
Dentro del programa de la Reserva de Acción Climática, los protocolos son como reglamentos escritos que proporcionan una guía detallada sobre cómo se deben desarrollar los proyectos de compensación y cómo se cuantifican las reducciones de emisiones. En este episodio de" Cubriendo los conceptos básicos ", la Asociada Claudia Jurado revisará el contenido de un protocolo, cómo se utilizan los protocolos en la programación de la Reserva, así como el proceso de desarrollo del protocolo, el cual es...
Published 04/19/23
¿Tienes curiosidad por saber más sobre los principios rectores detrás de la programación y las compensaciones de la Reserva de Acción Climática? En este episodio de " Cubriendo los conceptos básicos ", la Asociada Judy Gallegos nos explicará los principios básicos que guían nuestro programa y aseguran que las reducciones de emisiones de GEI certificadas por la Reserva sean de la más alta calidad.
Published 04/19/23
Cuando se trata de compensaciones de GEI, la adicionalidad significa estar por encima de lo habitual. Pero, ¿cómo se establece la adicionalidad y por qué es tan importante para el mercado de carbono? En este episodio de 'Cubriendo los aspectos básicos', la Asociada Abbey Garcia nos explicará el concepto de adicionalidad, las formas de comprobarla y cómo se incorpora a cada uno de los protocolos de la Reserva de Acción Climática.
Published 04/19/23
The Climate Action Reserve is the most trusted, efficient, and experienced offset registry for global carbon markets. With deep roots in California and reach across North America, the Reserve encourages actions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and works to ensure environmental benefit, integrity, and transparency in market-based solutions to address global climate change. Wrapping up this iteration of the Carbon Connection series, join our last and extra special guest, President of Climate...
Published 09/14/22
Since 2008, Climate Action Reserve has worked closely with actors across Mexico – including government agencies, NGOs, and ejido communities – to develop protocols that generate high quality offsets and comply with the Reserve’s rigorous standards, while further aligning those protocols with the laws, norms, and on the ground conditions in Mexico. The Mexico Forest Protocol was developed in partnership with these stakeholders as an instrument to channel resources into the forest sector in...
Published 09/07/22
Wildfires are a part of nature, serving as agents of change and revitalization that enable healthy forests, ecosystems, and biodiversity. Although we need wildfires, climate change is dramatically increasing their frequency and severity, which can have tragic impacts to community health and safety, infrastructure, forest health and wildlife habitat. In response to this threat of high intensity wildfires, the Climate Action Reserve is excited to be developing the Avoided Wildfire Emissions...
Published 08/31/22
When it comes to offsets, additionality means above business as usual. But how is additionality established and why is it so important to the carbon market? In this ‘Covering Your Basics’ episode, join Business Development Manager Lauren Wilson as she explains the concept of additionality, ways to test for it, and how it is incorporated into each of Climate Action Reserve’s protocols.
Published 08/24/22
Are you curious to learn more about the driving principles behind the Climate Action Reserve’s programming and offsets? In this ‘Covering Your Basics’ episode, join Business Development Manager Lauren Wilson as she explains the core tenets that guide our program and ensure GHG emission reductions certified by the Reserve are of the highest quality.
Published 08/24/22
Within Climate Action Reserve’s program, protocols are like rulebooks. They provide detailed guidance for how offset projects must be developed and how emissions reductions are counted. In this ‘Covering Your Basics’ episode, join Business Development Manager Lauren Wilson as she reviews what’s outlined in a protocol, how protocols are used in the Reserve’s programming, as well as the protocol development process that is critical to ensuring the program’s integrity.
Published 08/24/22
The term “ozone depleting substances” refers to a large group of chemicals known to destroy the stratospheric ozone layer when released into the atmosphere. ODS were historically used in a wide variety of applications including refrigerants, foam blowing agents, solvents, and fire suppressants. In addition to their potency, ODS exhibit high global warming potentials (GWP), ranging from several hundred to several thousand times that of carbon dioxide. Next up in Carbon Connection, Associate...
Published 08/17/22
Forests cover 31% of land on our planet. As a natural carbon sink, they provide a solution to climate change by sequestering and storing carbon directly from the atmosphere. However, when a forest is disturbed through natural events and human-based activities such as wildfire, disease, agricultural clearing, or logging, they emit carbon instead of absorbing, jeopardizing the critical role they play in climate mitigation. In this episode of Carbon Connection, Associate Director of Nature-Based...
Published 08/10/22
Landfills are the third-largest source of anthropogenic methane emissions in the United States. Most municipal solid waste is deposited in landfills where bacteria decompose the organic material and produce landfill gas comprised of methane and carbon dioxide. If left unmanaged, this landfill gas is released into the atmosphere, disrupting community commitments to cleaner air and reductions in methane that cause global climate change. In this episode of Carbon Connection, Associate Director...
Published 08/03/22
Livestock operations in Mexico hold great potential to contribute to climate change mitigation and adaptation. When waste from livestock is left to decompose or degrade naturally, it emits methane into the atmosphere that otherwise could be captured or destroyed. Through the installation of biogas control systems, livestock farmers have an alternative to not only reduce the methane they produce but receive carbon credits for doing so.
We are shaking things up a bit with this podcast episode...
Published 07/27/22
Las operaciones ganaderas en México tienen un gran potencial para contribuir a la mitigación y adaptación al cambio climático. Cuando los desechos del ganado se dejan descomponer o degradar de forma natural, emiten metano a la atmósfera que de otra forma podría ser capturado o destruido. Mediante la instalación de sistemas de control de biogás, como biodigestores y antorchas, los ganaderos tienen una alternativa no sólo para reducir el metano que producen, sino para recibir créditos de...
Published 07/27/22
Mangrove forests are critical to addressing climate change due to the ecosystem services they provide. Mangroves create habitat for fisheries and diverse flora and fauna, act as a natural barrier to storms, and prevent runoff or soil erosion, in addition to their significant carbon sequestration potential. In this inaugural episode of Carbon Connection, we talk to Director of Latin America, Amy Kessler about the Manglares San Crisanto/San Crisanto Mangroves project, the Climate Action...
Published 07/20/22
Podcasts coming soon!
Published 07/13/22