Vol 1: When the market stops, what makes it grow? Ft. Chatib Basri (Part 1)
In this episode, Chatib Basri talks about what makes the economy grow when the world hits the pause button. Eri shares about being vulnerable in front of his staff, consumers, and the whole world. Ria Sarwono of Cotton Ink reminds people to put her team right at the core business. All these are always done to bring opportunity where it seems impossible :) If you like this episode, share it, you never know who will be inspired and make this world a better place :)
Jadi penulis novel pastinya jauh dari kata gampang. Apalagi kalau harus jadi penulis novel dalam dua bahasa, pusingnya kayak apa, ya? Di episode kali ini, Mbak Laksmi menceritakan berbagai tantangan yang harus dihadapi dalam proses menulis, menerjemahkan dan mengalihbahasakan karya-karyanya...
Published 11/24/20
Catalyst Talks kali ini bisa jadi salah satu episode yang paling bikin baper. Kenapa? Soalnya cuma di Catalyst Talks, Laksmi Pamuntjak buka-bukaan tentang hubungannya dengan sang ibu dan trauma keluarga, yang jadi salah satu alasan terlahirnya buku ‘Kekasih Musim Gugur’ yang terbit dalam tiga...
Published 11/23/20