Today, we read CCC, 1776 - 1802 and discuss conscience... Rather than conscience being a cute little angel on one shoulder and a comical little devil on the other shoulder, each whispering in our ears to do this and not do that, conscience is "a judgment of reason" by which we are enjoined "to do good and to avoid evil." Conscience is "man's most secret core and his sanctuary", a place of quiet repose and peaceful stillness where we hear the voice of God and, by His grace, know the Truth and choose the Good. Here we come to know who we are and for what we have been made so that we may experience happiness, not just in the life to come but here and now. What a gift!
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Today, we read CCC, 2838 - 2865 and discuss the last three petitions of the "Our Father" - forgive us our trespasses, lead us not into temptation, and deliver us from evil. It's the qualifier on forgiveness - forgive us AS WE FORGIVE OTHERS - that can (and should!) stop us in our tracks this...
Published 01/22/24
Today, we read CCC, 2803 - 2837, and we discuss the first four petitions of the "Our Father." Jesus Christ accomplished his saving work - through his suffering, death, and resurrection - once and for all. It's done. Nothing needs to be added to it, and nothing can be taken away from it. So,...
Published 01/15/24