“It's really convenient to listen to here and there for an update, but you can't listen too regularly, because it's just the same news updates over and over for a few days. They also don't double check before they upload, and sometimes you end up downloading a podcast that's...”Read full review »
“I'm in the states, but I find alot of news doesn't makes its way into the US press, or when it does, it carries a certain bias depending on the news agency. Getting news from other countries (especially when it's news about evenst in the US) allows you to see things from a different...”Read full review »
Niciun via Apple Podcasts ·
United States of America ·
“Was enjoying the quick, 5 minute updates until they started playing the exact same podcast each hour, every hour of the day. It has been like this for the better part of the past week.”
Jkm12345 via Apple Podcasts ·
Canada ·
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