“There is something truly magical [Intelligence (Arcana) check] when you play a tabletop game with people you trust and care about. The space opens up and players take risks with their characters, because they know that the other players will reward the exploration.
Andrew is an adroit storyteller who will bow to his players if they choose to take center stage. Even when you can tell he had envisioned a different story, he seems to know he can patch his plot before the next session and just lets the new tale unfold.
Actual play podcasts can stray toward over-produced played-for-the-audience affairs or toward press-record-in-the-basement inside-joke ramblings. As ChasmQuest approaches their third season, they have found their stride and avoid either of those pitfalls with graceful DEX saves. Everyone sounds as though they are having fun and welcome you, the audience, to take a seat at the table and listen in.
NOTE: Do NOT sleep on Pirate’s Pique, the between-seasons adventure in which DM and Player swap seats and invite some amazing new players to roll dice. I don’t know which game I love more, but I’m grateful to have stumbled upon ChasmQuest.”
SwayOkay via Apple Podcasts ·
United States of America ·