Stuart Townend /There Is A Hope (有一個盼望) - piano cover / 鋼琴演奏
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歡迎享用。 by Emma Chen. (Email: [email protected]) --- 詞、曲 Stuart Townend、中譯祠 趙治德 There is a hope that burns within my heart, That gives me strength for every passing day; A glimpse of glory now revealed in meagre part, Yet drives all doubt away: I stand in Christ, with sins forgiven; And Christ in me, the hope of heaven! My highest calling and my deepest joy, To make His will my home. There is a hope that lifts my weary head, A consolation strong against despair, That when the world has plunged me in its deepest pit, I find the Saviour there! Through present sufferings, future’s fear, He whispers ‘courage’ in my ear. For I am safe in everlasting arms, And they will lead me home. There is a hope that stands the test of time, That lifts my eyes beyond the beckoning grave, To see the matchless beauty of a day divine When I behold His face! When sufferings cease and sorrows die, And every longing satisfied. Then joy unspeakable will flood my soul, For I am truly home. 有一個盼望燃燒在我心 日日夜夜賜我生命力量 每當我見到一絲上帝的榮光 驅走內心迷茫 在基督裡 罪得赦免 在基督裡 盼望永遠 一生至高呼召和內心喜悅 唯遵從主旨意 有一個盼望托住疲憊心 在沮喪中深深安撫我靈 當環境推我落入最深的低谷 卻反而遇見你 今日苦難 明日恐懼 在耳邊主說要剛強 在主永恆懷抱裡得安息 你同在是我家 這盼望經得起時間考驗 使我越過一切引誘試煉 有朝一日將親自目睹你的面 何等榮美聖潔 當悲傷患難都終結 當願望都因主實現 難言的喜樂充滿在我心 我終於到家了
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歡迎享用。 Piano by Emma Chen. (Email: [email protected]) -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
Published 09/22/24
歡迎享用。 by Emma Chen. (Email: [email protected]) (working email: [email protected] / WhatsApp/ Line ID. 8869-21108590) -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
Published 06/02/24