We’ve been at war with our own kind since the bibble told us to separate..
No surely before then, for man has always known better than God. Throughout history, our society has molded the way we think, believe, and govern ourselves.. majorly through the enforced rites of religion.
Who decided different was bad? Or cause for a caste system that evolved with the dwindling humility of mankind..?
Will we ever see the days where no one judges for the deity they claim to serve? Or will we forever be forced to endure the hypocrisy that is mainstream Christianity..?
**Episode art includes images from “race war” Google search, including “Medicine, Science & Making Race in Civil War America,” by Leslie A Schwalm; “Race, War & the Cinematic Myth of America: Dust That Never Settles,” by Eric Trenkemp; and the 2022 film “Race War.”**
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Today’s Christian/Biblian holds to certain (double) standards, (extreme) rites of faith, and (blasphemous) beliefs that all derive from the tome they claim to be “holy.”
Within this tome, however, we are led to believe in a less-than-Supreme god who answered our/mankind’s request, and then...
Published 05/08/24
Back to basics, and we shall begin at the beginning. Abandoned by the Alpha, let’s delve into these present-day CHRISTian “truths.”
Be sure to tune in to episode 2: Blame it on the blasphemer
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Published 04/13/24