This Sunday Pastor Suzy Silk continued our Summer sermon series on the words and deeds of Jesus in John’s Gospel with a teaching on the ultimate sign Jesus preformed, His Resurrection. In John 2, Jesus declares that He is the new temple, meaning He is the new primary way for people to access God. It is only through belief in His words and following Him that we can have a relationship with God and spend eternity with Him. Through His death and resurrection, Jesus demonstrates that He has full authority over life and death and is the only way to true, eternal life.
This Sunday, Pastor Jon Tyson continued our Formed series with a teaching on vivification. Vivification is the process by which the Holy Spirit imparts new spiritual life to a believer, animating them with the life of Christ and empowering them to live in obedience, faith, and love. It's the...
Published 11/11/24
This Sunday, Pastor Jon continued our Formed series with a teaching on mortification, the practice of subduing one’s sinful impulses, desires, and passions to grow closer to God and lead a life of holiness. Mortifying our sin is not self-hatred, but rather an embrace of God’s love that purges...
Published 11/04/24