Allessandra and Avery summarize "My Blueberry Nights" directed by Wong Kar-Wai. My Blueberry Nights follows Elizabeth, played by Nora Jones, and her journey across the United States. After a tough break up, Elizabeth seeks comfort in a local cafe where she meets Jeremey, played by Jude Law. The two comfort each other over slices of blueberry pie, but Elizabeth decides to set out on an adventure to find herself and flee from the painful memories of a love lost. As she moves through different towns, bussing from city to city, working as a waitress to support herself, she glimpses into the everyday lives of her patrons, befriending them as they confide in her. Intimate, quiet moments with these characters reveal insights about life and love. Vivid, bustling imagery characterizes the various cities she travels to, creating a cinematically appealing film. Initially lost, unsure of who she is or where she is going, Elizabeth begins to redefine and better understand herself through the people she meets on her journey. Ultimately returning to New York, where it all began in a quiet cafe, Elizabeth reunites with Jeremy stronger, happier and more confident than ever before.