Shelley Hennig takes on an incredible challenge as she steps into four distinct roles in the psychological thriller "Fluxx," a film conceived during the COVID pandemic. Join us as we chat with Shelley, Director, Brendan Gabriel Murphy, and members of the creative team behind this genre-blending marvel, including Kieran Murphy, Lance Paul, and Shiloh Fernandez. Discover how Shelley's seamless performances became the backbone of a narrative that traps an actress in a surreal loop within her hom...
Our latest episode features the creative minds behind the world premiere of "The Fall" at the Mammoth Film Festival. Join director and writer Sean Hart, producer Michael Schilf, and talented actors Jeremy Sumpter, Cassandra Scerbo, Matthew Fahey, and Thomas Cocquerel as they share the profound...
Published 11/26/24
Discover the electrifying world of Ice Cross as we sit down with dynamic duo Brittan Morris and DJ Kilpatrick, who bring their multifaceted talents as athletes, writers, directors, and producers to life in this exhilarating episode. Known for their daring exploits on the icy tracks, Brittan and...
Published 11/19/24