Fresh Pineapple is AMAZING! I've always loved it, for as long as I can remember...but, I always thought the effort I had to put forth to cut it fresh maybe wasn't worth it, so I went for the canned option. But....I just didn't KNOW how easy it was to cut a fresh pineapple. I assumed it would be difficult and not worth it. I opted to take the short cut...and I was NEVER as satisfied.
Our relationship to God can be very similar. We can assume that we know the old stories. We can assume that because we grew up in the church that a trickle down effect would happen and we'd just instantly be blessed and glorified because we were an "old" child of God. Wrong. Its effort. God rewards those who plug in, who listen, who seek out his voice. We have to quit taking short cuts or the easy way out. We have to quit being OKAY with canned Pineapple. does this pertain to business? The same way! We watch the guru's. We listen to the professionals. We watch the Social Media influencers. We think we know the "secrets". But...then when it comes to plugging into our businesses, or doing what they do, or knowing what they know, or being able to master effective marketing...well...we know nothing. We haven't plugged in actually. We haven't invested time and money into coaching. We haven't researched. We haven't taken courses or classes, or met one on one with people who are here to solve our problems. Why? We like short cuts. We are okay with canned Pineapple.
We have to get over this. We have to address the elephant in the room and that is EFFORT. What have you done this week or this month or this year to elevate your business to a higher level? What devotional are you doing daily to improve your relationship with God and seek his purpose for your life? There is a reason so many are finding success in their businesses and it has NOTHING to do with luck. It has everything do with with effort and time and money and drive. This is our role, as business owners. To plug in and DO. THE. WORK. Quit taking short cuts. Quit skimming over the noise on social media thinking you know all of the answers. Quit being okay with Canned Pineapple.
Get ready for an exciting break through of those mental roadblocks and unlock all of God's promises to you in business AND in life.
When you feel good, have hope and all is well at home, the pendulum shifts and God blesses those who are ready to bless!
I'm so excited to meet you. I truly want you to feel like we are doing life together, because sister, I get it. I see you. And, I can't wait to watch your business grow!
Id love to help YOU find clarity and reach your full potential! visit with me at
Join my community of like-minds and God-Centered Business women at
Want to snag a coaching call and really sort out where God is leading you and your business? Maybe you need some marketing direction and want to know some great insight on what to do and what NOT to do from me, someone who has been there and knows the struggle! Want to network online, but don't know where to start OR how to reach people without looking like you're constantly selling something...I get it! I can help you pin down a rock solid platform and plan to get you noticed and your target audience coming to YOU, rather than you seeking them out! I can't wait to work with you. Meet me at my website at
Email me today to schedule your time and get your business moving forward!!
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