المنظر اللي الكل مر بيه بشكل او بآخر… تبقى قاعد في الطيارة و فجأة طفل بيبكي بشكل متواصل وبقوة ١٠٠٠ رختر كأن العالم بيتهى…و هو نفس الطفل اللى يقرر يعمل مشهد حزين في مطعم او مكان عام عشان مخدش اللي هو عايزه او الانسان البالغ اللي مفروض انه عاقل و متحكم في نفسه ينفجر من الغضب فى وسط الشارع او مكان شغل عشان حاجة تافهه؟؟ المره دي هنتكلم عن موضوع شيق..و هو القدرة على تنظيم المشاعر و الانفعالات و دي حاجة اعتقد انها و برغم كونها من بديهيات الانسان الناضج المتزن، الا ان الاغلبية ما عندهمش فكرة الموضوع ده بيتم ازاي؟؟ و ايه اللي هيحصل لو ما انتبهتش لحاجة مهمه كده نسمع شرين عماد و هي بتشرح بشكل سلس و جميل عن هذا الموضوع.
ALL OF US FEEL AND EXPERIENCE EMOTIONS – negative and positive – each and every day. Emotions are a normal part of our everyday lives. Everyone experiences them. For some though, these emotions can seem overwhelming, like an out-of-control roller coaster. It is common for one or more strong emotions to occur before an individual engages in a destructive behaviors.These strong emotions often include: guilt, sadness, feeling overwhelmed or frustrated, anger, self-blame, and low self-worth. This feeling of being overwhelmed emotionally can lead to a deep need to do something that will stop the intensity of this out-of-control roller coaster, and this is where substance abuse and destructive behaviors like, binge-eating, outbursts of anger and many other forms of destructive behaviors.
Today we will have a small chat about emotional regulation skills with our friend Ms Shereen Emad who is specialized therapist and has been dealing with clients facing this challenge
Today we are having a game changer ,i will share with you a incredible plan that will help us Humans win the narrative war against Zionist war criminals.The crucial moment in our history and we need to act now.
The plan is simple yet powerful, we can not just stand there watching the lies...
Published 11/09/23
I am improvising a conversation about the Huberman Lab podcast, the movie Oppenheimer, and the beauty of specialty coffee.
Join us as we dive into the latest neuroscience research, explore the life and work of J. Robert Oppenheimer, and savor the complex flavors of a freshly brewed cup of...
Published 10/01/23