Honestly, how good is your product? How good is your service? This is one of the most foundational and important questions to ask. Business and success can seem like a complex mess where everything has to be perfect - your systems, your team, your funnel & branding, your packaging, pricing strategy etc…. But the foundation it’s all built on is the real, raw value that your customer gets from your service, product or skills. Everything else becomes easier and often even effortless when...
Published 08/22/19
This episode is absolute gold and in my opinion one of the best episodes I’ve recorded this far…  Today’s guest is my buddy Kyle Lasota who’s a filmmaker that helps 7-figure entrepreneurs get their message out and he works with some big names.  His story is incredible and he’s got a ton of wisdom to share.  He was always passionate about filmmaking but ended up going a completely different path into marketing because he didn’t want to be another starving artist that couldn’t pay his...
Published 08/21/19
As this is a podcast & community for high-performers, many of us are always trying to get an edge, whether that is through knowing more about new cutting-edge strategies, surrounding ourselves with the right people or optimizing our health.  While a lot of our members have quit drinking completely or at the very least drink very little, drinking alcohol has been the norm for the common folks out there.  Today’s guest is James Swanwick who argues that even just a little drink here or...
Published 08/20/19
Are you currently struggling to stay productive and be excited about what you do? It’s something I’ve struggled with for quite a while but gotten a handle on by doing a lot of self-discovery and figuring out who I am as a person.  Here I discuss: The DISC personality test How to get excited and energized every day by what you’re doing in your business Why you need to STOP listening to gurus and know-it-alls Why you need to reflect on every advice you get Resources mentioned: ...
Published 08/18/19
Do you find yourself in doubt, feeling like you’re failing or not doing enough or you’re simply in that bad state that you just can’t seem to get out of? Feeling like you’re on top of the world is always just a handful of thoughts away and you can change it instantly, starting today, right here, right now.  In this episode, I’m sharing a one week experiment I did where I decided to reframe EVERYTHING and totally blow things out of proportion, being absolutely delusional.  The incredible...
Published 08/17/19
It’s been well over a year and a half ago now that the deal was agreed upon, the purchase agreement was signed and I had made the amount of cash I would’ve never even dreamed of making a couple of years before that.  The biggest payday for every entrepreneur is usually going to be the day they sell their business which is something I did with the help of today’s guest, Coran Woodmass.  Coran is also known as the FBA Broker, meaning he helps eCommerce business owners sell their business,...
Published 08/16/19
Are you currently trying to find your path for the long-term? Maybe the business you’re in is not what you’re fully passionate about anymore and you realize there’s a different mountain you want to climb. While a lot of us initially get into business based on an opportunity that presents itself or simply because we’re broke and we want to make money, what often happens is that our priorities in life change - that has been the case for me, which is why I sold my eCommerce business, and it’s...
Published 08/13/19
How many hours of actual work do you get in per day? Or even better yet, how many of the hours you put in are spent on work that actually moves things forward, that is high leverage? It's a question that came up recently in our mastermind group and the answers were the same for everyone, from guys making 7-figures in eCommerce to the ones profiting $1m a year in their business: It's about 3-4 hours.  3-4 hours doesn't sound like a lot, and it isn't really, but considering that it is...
Published 08/09/19
Beware - only if you're ready for some deep work on yourself, that deals with your biggest traumas, fears & insecurities, only then consider listening to this episode...  It's not for everyone, but for those who are ready to go deep. Radical Honesty has the power to change the entire planet if people are courageous enough to be honest with each other and most importantly, themselves. How many things are you keeping trapped inside of you? Doubts, insecurities, fears, judgment?
Published 08/03/19
This is a pretty uncomfortable episode to share so early on in my podcasting journey, but I believe it's a necessary step.  Here I talk about: - How I got started and built my first 7-figure business - Why achieving all my goals was not the answer - The realizations I had that made me question everything I had done up until that point - Why it gets lonelier and lonelier as you're moving up and how to fix it - Why I decided to break up with my girl which terminated my Australian visa...
Published 07/30/19
What is free, available to everyone and has the power to change the world?   The ability to ask great questions.    Tony Robbins, Tim Ferriss, Patrick Grove and self-made billionaires like Jeff Hoffman or Ray Dalio all have one thing in common: They know how to ask incredibly powerful, specific questions which is a skill they have cultivated over many years.    But why are questions so powerful? What makes them the superpower of the achiever who wants to make things happen but currently...
Published 05/29/19
In this episode I talk about:   - Why business is all about people & your ability to deal with them   - Jeff Hoffman on how to hire, retain and manage exceptionally talented employees that build the business for you   - Why values & culture is more important than skills   - How to find the one thing you're exceptionally good at and why you need to master it   - How to only work on the things you're good at, that excite and energize you while giving everything else away to...
Published 05/28/19
How dare you work only 3-4 hours a day and say you're working hard! In all honesty, people that say they work 10 hours a day are usually full of s***. We had this discussion in a recent mastermind call and it dawned on us that everyone is pretending to be busy while spending 3-4 hours daily doing important work is a huge output. And the ones that actually spend more time doing productive work are the ones that do something that doesn't feel like work for them. We touched on different...
Published 05/23/19
War is good for mental health! Don't believe it? Suicide rates DROP during wars and other disastrous times. Why? Because people experience a much deeper connection and unity with each other. It reconnects us to our tribal habits of sticking together, supporting one another and being a community. It brings out the best in people, not just their worst. Their love, their courage, their selflessness, a purpose. How can we create that unity without needing a disaster or war?
Published 05/13/19
What's the different between struggling business owners and the ones that dominate everyone?   They simply play a bigger game.   The mindset they approach business with is completely different.   In this episode, Leon dives into how you can think like someone that is leading the market and let your competition fight for the small breadcrumbs while you get the biggest piece.    You can see this in people like Jeff Bezos from Amazon, Elon Musk and Steve Jobs.    Are you willing to...
Published 09/04/18