Rendezvous With Rhonda It’s chapter 4 this week in the ongoing series, and we’re going to try to cover more of what kids and families actually need to be empowered and nourished - not what we think they need. These are elements that regardless of our age in life, we all need and needed. Let's continue to identify what we need, so we can parent ourselves better than what we had, and become better for our kids, families, and any part of the world we can influence. This is all less about manners and morals and more about self-empowerment, emotional intelligence and strategies for living a life of immense well-being. ~ More About Rendezvous With Rhonda ~ How about meeting me weekly – or as often as you need – for an infusion of love, light, laughter, straight talk, inspiration, candid conversation and a different perspective on just about everything?! As a life-long witness to not just the mediocrity of traditional relationships and overall lack of passion and enthusiasm for living in general, but the chronic breakdown of it all, I’ve been on a quest to get down & dirty to the root of the issues and what drives the majority of this. What an epic journey! In a world filled with never-ending mixed messages, confusion, conflict and daily turmoil, it’s a wonder anyone really feels like they’re getting their emotional, spiritual, physical and sexual needs and desires fulfilled. Welcome to the party known as Rendezvous with Rhonda! You could also call it, a Rendezvous with radical & revolutionary LOVE, with a healthy dose of down & dirty for good measure.
[email protected] Want to share the LOVE? Make a Love Donation so Rhonda can lay down more of the love, light & laughter stuff anywhere on the planet it's needed. There's no place she won't go when the Soul Source says YES! To get more of Rendezvous With Rhonda, be sure to visit the podcast page for replays of all her shows here: