Way too right wing
Is this show a platform for the racist ideology of t-Rump or what? I jest at those that think this show is, “liberal.” These are the same people that invaded or supported the invasion of our Capital and stand against democracy with a small d. Idiots. The program on Conspiracy theory is a well balanced look at the subject. This podcast is entertaining except when they try to create a feeling of suspense with the narrative of what the story is about, then the podcast becomes unbearably stupid and artificial. The Silk Road is not a new episode, please identify it as such when you post it more than once, neither is the Circleville episode. Stop! Your pants are on fire.
yoga.aha via Apple Podcasts · United States of America · 04/03/24
More reviews of Conspiracy Theories
Interesting discussion of conspiracy theories, well researched presentation of the narrative and clear what is speculation.
Lillie Bliss via Apple Podcasts · South Africa · 01/31/18
I love podcasts and i love conspiracy theories and i am excited Parcast Podcasts is the best. The level of excitement i have for this is amazing!!!
Jay19932014 via Apple Podcasts · United States of America · 01/23/18
A podcast devoted to conspiracy theories..finally! Love the grounded and researched approach. Amazing podcast
Truecrimefan45 via Apple Podcasts · United States of America · 01/27/18
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