These viewpoints are damaging and toxic
This version of traditional masculinity is contingent on the domination of women, which is the curse described in Genesis and where these toxic ideas originate from. This podcast is damaging to men and women, and the image of God.
Ezer Kenegdo Equality via Apple Podcasts · United States of America · 04/25/20
More reviews of Conversations That Matter
This is my favorite podcast. Jon says what people are thinking but others are afraid to say. He thoroughly researches his topics, and he plays clips so that you can hear the evidence for yourself. If you care about what is happening in evangelical circles and churches, this is a must listen.
Tggn via Apple Podcasts · United States of America · 01/28/22
I think he has a crush on Jemar Tisby.
jharris is demonic via Apple Podcasts · United States of America · 04/03/22
Enough with the SBC brother, let the dead bury the dead… love the show but I’m coming back when your over it…
fpackwood via Apple Podcasts · United States of America · 06/23/22
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