How do you build a career or a team in the Era of Large Language Models and what happens to talent development when even the lowest intern needs full-stack CMO skills?
In this episode of Copy Chief Radio, we're going on a mind-bending ride with Aaron Winter, Founder of Dig.On, and creator of multiple nine-figure promos for Motley Fool and Agora Financial. Aaron is the hidden-hand mentor behind Dan Ferrari, Julie Hassett, Jen Adams, Ning Li, Mike Abramov, Austin Lee, Sam Woods (and even... David Deutsch?!?).
Lizzie Mills was just 20-yrs-old and a new mom when she joined Copy Chief as one of the first members through the door in 2014.
She felt like the greenest copywriter in the place, but not for long.
The veteran copywriters were more than happy to guide her and show her the ropes.
Published 09/12/24
Tom Hammaker’s life in copywriting took a radical turn last month when he was hired to become Rich Schefren’s copywriter.
Better yet, Tom won the gig in a six-week competitive search against dozens of other copywriters – some with more than 20 years in the game.
We called it “The Goods,” and...
Published 07/09/24