Thank you for reporting the facts
I am sorry listeners. But those are the facts. Don’t blame the messenger. If journalists and reporters simply gloss over all the inaccurate and and tragically misleading announcements concerning COVID-19, many more of us would be walking around infecting more, who would be infecting more, and so on, and so on. Then this worldwide pandemic would be truly spiraling out of Control.
sherismithhear via Apple Podcasts · United States of America · 03/26/20
More reviews of Consider This from NPR
Congrats on the launching of this much needed, and timely podcast. Thank you Kelly and NPR. This will be a daily go to for me as we move forward in these challenging difficult times that also offer hope and promise as through our forced slowing realize the opportunity to gain perspective on...Read full review »
Ryan&Rhonda via Apple Podcasts · United States of America · 03/20/20
Finally!!! Something accurate, non biased and straight to the point on COVID19! Thanks, NPR!!!!
Les Evi via Apple Podcasts · United States of America · 03/19/20
It’s called corona daily.... the fact of it is, it hasn’t been updated for three days! Did I just live through the apocalypse where suddenly tv and radio transmissions just stop, I may have! except I’m still getting Zillow updates....and Karen is still try to hawk me her Herbalife....Read full review »
nprdisappoints via Apple Podcasts · United States of America · 03/30/20
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