Jesus is for EVERYBODY. Including you. From the beginning, he’s been followed by the rich, poor, men, women, elites, and outcasts.
Published 04/04/20
Have you ever felt utterly alone? Who do you turn to when you’re in pain? Jesus can relate. This week, we investigate the Wilderness, and how Jesus overcame the same struggles we’re facing today.
Published 03/28/20
Jesus was either a Myth, a Madman or the Messiah. Join us on a journey to Israel to see some of the most famous places in history and in the life of Jesus, starting from the beginning: a small town called Bethlehem.
Published 03/21/20
The world says the only possible responses to a threat are flight, fight or freeze. But there is another option: faith. For thousands of years people of faith have faced crisis and come out on the other side stronger. Watch this weekend to learn how.
Published 03/14/20
God has used this community in incredible ways, and it all stems from the committed core who have vowed “not my will but Your will be done.” Commitment to God is an adventure. The lives we’ve seen changed, those are like the bumper stickers on the back of
Published 03/08/20
In a world of angry tweets and hateful comments, what we decide to speak on matters. Change only happens when our actions back up our talk.
Published 03/01/20
We are wired to get in a group and stay in that group. When we feel our group is being attacked we take it personal. This is how to combat those dynamics and form new groups that cut across the lines of politics.
Published 02/23/20
Your faith can and should drive your vote, but it’s not as simple as many make it out to be.
Published 02/16/20
Despite what the news says, this is not the most important election of our lifetime. Here is what the bible has to say about navigating politics and winning no matter who gets elected.
Published 02/09/20
Join us for an unconventional, schticky, preaching competition that turns a church service into a spectator sport.
Published 02/02/20
If you want your life to have impact, you need people on your side. Whos on your team? If you don’t have an answer to that, here’s what you need to do to get one.
Published 01/26/20
Winners take bold steps of faith, trusting that God’s promises will stand.
Published 01/19/20
We all have goals we’ve tried to reach but never had the strength to finish. This week, learn how to develop the tenacity to push through difficulty so you can win.
Published 01/12/20
Winning isn’t some far off, lofty goal for the elite. You and I can win in whatever stage of life we are in right now. The first step in winning this year: Set a TARGET.
Published 01/04/20
So much has happened this year, it’s easy to forget most of it. Let’s take a moment and review just a few of the highlights from 2019 and ask God for an even better 2020.
Published 12/25/19
Join us for a family-friendly Christmas Eve service that reminds you why Christmas is the ultimate season of hope.
Published 12/24/19
Love is more than an emotion, it’s an action. That’s why Jesus said, “There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.”
Published 12/22/19
Joy isn’t just a happy, warm feeling in our bellies, it’s a powerful act of defiance against despair and discouragement.
Published 12/15/19
Turn on any newsfeed in the world and you’ll find yourself wondering, “Is peace really possible?” The answer is yes—and it’s accessible to us all.
Published 12/08/19
In the middle of all the Christmas prep, we can lose touch with the real depth and meaning of the season. Advent is a way to bring that back. This year, we can receive real hope. Contrary to popular belief, hope is more than optimism, and it’s available t
Published 12/01/19
Our Thanksgiving Eve service puts holiday chaos on hold and gives us time to replace hustle and bustle with gratitude and worship. So grab everyone, even your in-laws, and come check out the Thanksgiving Eve service.
Published 11/27/19
God is a multiplier. If we want true multiplication in our lives, God is the only one who can supernaturally multiply our resources.
Published 11/24/19
Generosity is a word that often gets misused. What does it really mean to live a generous life?
Published 11/17/19
You may have heard the phrase “money is the root of all evil” but is that actually true? If you’ve felt like the grip of money has been on your life for far too long, this week is for you.
Published 11/10/19
When God is first in our lives, everything comes into order. Is this statement controversial for some? Yes! Is this statement true for all? You’ll have to watch to find out.
Published 11/03/19