Episode Six: Lindsey Raven Emrich on empowering your local community, low impact living and the importance of green spaces .
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Lindsey Raven Emrich is vetrineray nurse, yoga teacher, green living inspiration and my first and formost, my sister! She lives in a small town in rural England and dedicates every spare moment she can trying to inspire people to make a differance. Whether its orginizing litter picks in her local community or combating waste in the vetrineray industry, Lindsey is the true definition of a conservationist. She has inspired me and many others throughout our lives that incremental change, leads to monumental change! Infectiously enthusiastic about making low impact life FUN!   Show Notes:  - https://www.orangutans.ca/?referrer_source=GADCA_GENERIC&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiAtt2tBhBDEiwALZuhANJswPZsCC60cDqlQWmDrruQqXXwsDiaBdENSYOOKXVR6IVhs14vgRoCJQUQAvD_BwE - https://www.asustainablelife.co.uk/ - https://www.vetyogi.com/ - https://www.facebook.com/p/Fingringhoe-Green-Group-100083590209272/?paipv=0&eav=AfZUAPKY58wzhu3if9DAq3D3ecdhKYhFeGu1I991voEdpaagIblMSACjRQFx4TlZepk&_rdr  
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