“I used to love this show. Several topics in the past raised eyebrows for me but I’m unfollowing after the anti-racism episode. I don’t mind having a conversation on racism for it is evil and unpleasant to God. You had me until you started talking about how “whiteness” absorbs people from other countries. Really?!! I came from another country in Latin America and I am whatever I am. I didn’t come here to be “white,” but just because I don’t ascribe to American black Culture doesn’t mean I have been absorbed by a different identity. I also have plenty of friends that grew up and were raised in Africa. They’re all really successful and they don’t ascribe to American black culture either. They did not grow up in that. However, they’re proud to be black and African and celebrate their cultures to this day. Please stop trying to say that ascribing to American Blackness is the only way to not be “racist.” I’ve been a victim of racism myself and I celebrate my culture and my identity as a foreigner. Stop acting like there’s only one “culture” that has it all “right.” There’s plenty of cultures in this country that are victims of racism but still should have the freedom to choose to be who they want to be. Also, saying EVERYONE in a particular race is guilty of a sin is blatant heresy. Clearly, not all white people are racist. Not all white Christians are racist. Also, how about the black people that are racist towards Latinos? That’s all of a sudden okay with the Lord, right? You bashing “white culture” makes you a racist. You’re guilty of the same sin that you are accusing a whole other race of. Despicable. Not to forget… have we thought about the whole movement that is “anti racist” but is trying to enable black women to have abortions??? And it is, in fact, white Christians that are calling such hypocrisy out. It is white Christians that are providing for black moms in need so they don’t abort their child. You know what leftists are saying? “Let’s enable black women to kill their children. God forbid if a child is born black or Latino.” I’m really disappointed by how this got handled. Racism is clearly evil so I don’t understand why we have to blame people that might not be guilty or omit topics that are rooted in racism (like Abortion). Slavery is being taught in schools. You know what is not being taught? How the public school and welfare system is designed and run by leftists intending to keep black and latinos poor. And it is conservatives (Both black and white) speaking out against it so that minority groups get better opportunities. Please. Stop calling everyone that doesn’t agree with you “racist” or “uneducated.” It’s not true and you know it.”
AntiAbortionandWelfare via Apple Podcasts ·
United States of America ·