Comedy Central: My Love Story!!
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Based on a Manga/Anime also known as Ore Monogatari!! Takeo Goda, a new freshmen in highschoool, has no luck with girls. He's not only big, but maybe comes off a little unapproachable to people other than his male classmates. Unlike his best friend Makoto Sunakawa, who is quite the ladies man. Upon helping a young student from a different school, Takeo starts to have new crush on this girl, and it turns out, she happens to feel the same way. Rinko Yamato, trying to get her feelings across, is misunderstood by Takeo for liking Sunakawa instead. Takeo tries to support his friend, while Yamato attempts to get him to notice her.  Twenty (Lee Byeong-heon, 2015) Taste of Tea (Katsuhito Ishii, 2004) My Love Story!! (Hayato Kawai, 2015) Shaolin Soccer (Stephen Chow, 2004) Youtube: Patreon: Instagram: @pastthesubtitles --- Support this podcast:
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