金冰 | Promote Friendly Cooperation Between China and Africa
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嘉宾简介:        金冰,对外经济贸易大学英语学院副院长,博士生导师,英美文学研究所所长,中国翻译家协会理事,美国哥伦比亚大学富布莱特高级研究学者,曾任奥地利克拉根福大学传媒系客座教授,先后获得教育部新世纪优秀人才、北京市优秀教师、北京市课程思政教学名师及教育部商务英语国家级教学团队人文名师等称号。 英文文本: This year marks the 65th anniversary of the start of diplomatic relations between China and African countries. Over the past 65 years, China and Africa have forged unbreakable bonds in our struggle against imperialism and colonialism, and embarked on a distinctive path of cooperation in our journey towards development and revitalization. Together, we have written a splendid chapter of mutual assistance in a world of complexity and change, and set a shining example for building a new model of international relations. Why do China and Africa have such a close relationship and such a deep bond of friendship? The key lies in an everlasting spirit of China-Africa friendship and cooperation forged between the two sides, characterized by sincere friendship and equality, mutual benefit and common development, fairness and justice, openness and inclusiveness, and progress with the times. This truly captures the story of China and Africa working together in good times and hardship over the past decades, and provides a source of strength for the continuous growth of friendly China-Africa relations. This year marks the 50th anniversary of the restoration of China's lawful seat in the United Nations. Here, let me express sincere appreciation to the many African friends who supported China back then. Let me also make it clear that China will never forget the profound friendship of African countries and will remain guided by the principles of sincerity, amity, good faith, real results, and pursuing the greater good and shared interests. China will work together with African friends to carry forward the spirit of China-Africa friendship and cooperation from generation to generation. At the 2018 Beijing Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC), I proposed that we build an even stronger China- Africa community of shared future. The proposal was unanimously endorsed by African leaders. Over the past three years and more, China and Africa have worked together to fully implement the eight major initiatives and other outcomes of the Beijing Summit, and completed a large number of priority cooperation projects. China- Africa trade and China's investment in Africa have seen a steady rise. Almost all African members of FOCAC have joined the great family of Belt and Road cooperation. All of this has added strong momentum to the China-Africa comprehensive strategic and cooperative partnership. A journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step. As we stand at the historic starting point of building a China-Africa community of shared future in the new era, I wish to make the following four proposals: First, fighting Covid-19 with solidarity. We need to put people and lives first and be guided by science. We should be ready to waive intellectual property rights on Covid-19 vaccines, and ensure that vaccines are accessible and affordable in Africa to bridge the immunization gap. Second, expanding practical cooperation. We need to open up new prospects for China-Africa cooperation, expand trade and investment, share experience on poverty reduction and elimination, strengthen cooperation on the digital economy, and promote entrepreneur- ship by young Africans and the development of small and medium- sized enterprises (SMEs). At the UN General Assembly this year, I proposed the Global Development Initiative, which shares similar goals with the African Union's Agenda 2063 and the UN's 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. We welcome the active support of African countries and th
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