孟适秋 | Uphold the Principle of Patriots Governing Hong Kong to Secure the Success of the One Country, Two Systems Policy
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嘉宾简介:        孟适秋,北京大学中国药物依赖性研究所行政办公室主任,中国毒理学会药物依赖性毒理学专业委员会副秘书长,入选中国科协青年人才托举工程、北京市科协青年人才托举工程等。 英文文本: Over the past year, Hong Kong has consolidated its achievements in restoring order and the situation has steadily improved. Notable results have been achieved in the Covid-19 response, in economic recovery, and in maintaining social stability. Under the leadership of Chief Executive Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor, the HKSAR government has made systematic modifications to Hong Kong's electoral system in accordance with the decision of the NPC and the legislation of the NPC Standing Committee. It has held the elections of the Election Committee and the Legislative Council with success, and taken solid steps to advance democracy in Hong Kong in line with its realities. It has resolutely implemented the National Security Law of Hong Kong to end violence and chaos, restore order, and ensure a turn for the better in the region, and upheld the authority and dignity of the rule of law. It has also taken active measures to integrate Hong Kong into the country's overall development and expand exchanges and cooperation with the main- land in all areas. The central authorities fully appreciate the work of the Chief Executive and the HKSAR government. Several days ago, the election of the Seventh Legislative Council of the HKSAR was held. Under the new electoral system, the elections of the Election Committee and the Seventh Legislative Council were both successful. Our compatriots in Hong Kong exercised their democratic rights as the masters of the region and upheld the principle of patriots governing Hong Kong, and a political landscape with extensive and balanced participation of all social sectors and constituencies was created. The new electoral system embodies the One Country, Two Systems policy and fits Hong Kong's realities. It is a good system that will provide strong institutional support for the implementation of the One Country, Two Systems policy and for enduring prosperity and stability in the region. This year marks the centenary of the CPC. At its Sixth Plenary Session, the 19th CPC Central Committee adopted a resolution on the major achievements and historical experience of the Party over the past century. The resolution highlights the One Country, Two Systems policy as a historic achievement of the Party. The extraordinary experience over the past two decades and more since the return of Hong Kong has proved that the One Country, Two Systems policy serves the best interests of the country, the HKSAR, and our Hong Kong compatriots. The central authorities will continue to firmly implement the policy, and we have full confidence that its strengths will become more evident as the relevant systems are improved. Our compatriots in Hong Kong will certainly carry on their honorable tradition of loving the country and Hong Kong, and strive for the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation shoulder to shoulder with the people of the rest of the country.(from a meeting with HKSAR Chief Executive Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor, who reported on her work during a visit to Beijing, December 22, 2021)
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