黄玉龙 | Build a Stronger Shanghai Cooperation Organization
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嘉宾简介:        黄玉龙,中国外文局煦方国际传媒总经理、中国外文局所属中国图书贸易有限公司总裁。曾在中国外文局驻非机构、驻欧机构任主要负责人,美国阿巴拉契州立大学访问学者。 英文文本: The past 20 years have seen an evolving international environment and a profound reshaping of the global governance system. These years have also witnessed the vigorous growth of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) and fruitful, mutually beneficial cooperation among its member states. Over the past two decades, the SCO has been guided by the Shanghai Spirit of mutual trust, mutual benefit, equality, consultation, respect for diversity of civilizations, and pursuit of common development. It has endeavored to promote world peace, development and human progress, and it has explored new ground, both in theory and in practice, to build a new model of international relations and a global community of shared future. –We have promoted mutual political trust. We have signed the Treaty on Long-Term Good-Neighborliness, Friendship and Cooperation and created a new model based on partnership and dialogue rather than alliance or confrontation. We have supported each other on issues which involve our respective core interests and are of major concern to us. And we have provided reliable and strong support to each other in our pursuit of development. –We have ensured security and stability. We were the first to issue a call to arms against terrorism, separatism and extremism. We have taken tough actions to curb the spread of drug trafficking, cybercrime, and transnational organized crime, and held joint counter-terrorism exercises and border control operations. We call for political settlement of international and regional flash- points. Thus, we have erected a powerful defense to uphold peace and tranquility in our region. –We have jointly pursued prosperity and development. We have intensified cooperation in our region. People-to-people programs such as art festivals, the SCO University, and the SCO Forum on Traditional Medicine have been launched. With SCO speed and SCO efficiency, as evidenced by the 12 percent annual growth of the total GDP and foreign trade of SCO member states and a manifold increase in the number of mutual visits, we have moved faster to deliver a decent life for people in SCO countries. –We have upheld international justice. We have advocated multilateralism and the common values of humanity and spoken out against hegemony and power politics. We have maintained close coordination with SCO observer states and dialogue partners as well as international and regional organizations which share the SCO’s purposes and principles. And we have worked with other members of the international community in quest of a shared future. The SCO has now reached a new historic starting point. We should stay committed to the Shanghai Spirit, keep to the right direction, promote democracy in international relations, and pursue our own development as part of our efforts to promote common development for humanity. Together, we can build a closer SCO community of shared future and contribute even more to durable global peace and common prosperity. To this end, it is imperative that we do the following: First, we need to strengthen solidarity and cooperation. To keep the SCO on a steady course of development, we should make the most of the meeting mechanisms and platforms at various levels, and step up policy dialogue, consultation and coordination. And we should respect each other’s legitimate concerns, and promptly resolve issues that may arise and affect our cooperation. We should maintain firm confidence in our systems, reject condescending lectures, and firmly support countries in exploring the development paths and governance models that are compatible with their national conditions. We should support each other in steadily advancing importan
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