After a successful portal jump and The Quaint still having its cargo intact, the crew decide to split off and head towards one of the planets within the system. Jaul starts training Yara on self-defense with an Accelerator Pistol. Qamar does what she does best, makes talismans. Ishaq has got his face in books. Nadir is knee deep into figuring things out when a discussion with the AI turns up some shocking details.
Music and Sound by Syrinscape.
The app that putting sound into the hands of the gamers.
*originally released June 7, 2019*
After narrowly getting out of some trouble with the Coriolis guards, the group regroups to see if they can find Ishaq. They just want to have a talk, of course. But it looks like someone else might want to have a discussion too.
Music and Sound by Syrinscape.
Published 01/08/24
After the group lands on Coriolis, it is time to make their way to Ishaq. It is also time for the group to learn about hacking (or how not to) and some of the practices of Alham's Temple. Things are getting spicy to say the least!
Music and Sound by Syrinscape.
Published 01/01/24