Beautifully presented
My focus had always been on WW1, and I’ve travelled around the Western Front and visited Gallipoli - but now I want to visit Normandy ! The chapter on Paul (presenter’s) father was especially gripping, and moving.
Lost in Rome 29 via Apple Podcasts · Australia · 08/29/24
More reviews of D-Day: The Tide Turns
I love this podcast, the story telling really brings the story to life. Also what a great way to honor the brave people who planed, supported, and stormed the beaches.
whistlepete via Apple Podcasts · United States of America · 08/28/24
The best D-Day podcast I have listened to. Fantastically descriptive and brilliant narration.
Robo..123 via Apple Podcasts · Great Britain · 07/31/24
Outstanding. Well produced. To hear the story of a man who was there, on the beach in France at 20 yrs old. We owe these men more than we will ever know. It was good to hear the story from the point of view of a son. My grandfather too was there at D-Day albeit aboard a ship at that time. My...Read full review »
LST 310 Grndson via Apple Podcasts · United States of America · 07/20/24
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